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Guernsey 2007

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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My advise is don't go and play a stoopid sport where you might end up kicking someone's foot, ripping the toenail off your big toe and bruising the hell out of it, meaning you won't be able to go diving for a good week or two :vangry :blackeye
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Reactions: foxfish and spicer
I went in this morning, L'Eree area and round an island rock. Blimey that was a swim and a half for me. In for 2 hours and very knackered when I came out. The tide is quite strong round that island as the tide floods and is the reason I missed the biggest bass I have ever seen, this was a double for sure, the vanishing tail was huge and the tail "wrist" the size of my forearm, couldn't get the gun round fast enough as he shot away me having spooked him in my attempt to get round the current being a bit splashy, still need more lead, will move up to 28lb now... I mainly surface hunt, not very confident diving down, I guess fitness would help that though so I just need something to hold me lower half under the water.

Other species seen include pollack (up to a massive 2oz or so), wrasse to about 5lb, several mullet one of which was a GG and should be dead but somehow survived and managed to escape with only half a head, could I find him again?? No. One bugger mullet of maybe 4lb out of range and moving fast and one monster bass round the back of the island in the bootlace. I did breifly see something else silver but it moved to fast for me to tell mullet or bass, was in that wavy tree like soft weed, vast plumes of it round there.

So a long swim as I also went right round the bay for very little in the way of fish, the viz was poor, very milky and maybe about 8ft or so.

Should have gone to one of the other spots I was thinking about and couldn't decide.

never mind, will get me fit eventually...

DEREK! — just seen your Tutu Guard of Honour pic.... ROFL LMAO

Priceless. Thanks. You made my day.

Karen says it suits me!

Not so sure... I get them swimming up behind me all the timerofl
them and the bugger Bass...
Didn't notice that. Well spotted old boy. If the chaps who invented keyboards will put the "i" next to the "u" they are asking for trouble...
so guys...just to give you the lowdown...yesterday morning i woke up early for the low tide at 6.30, and i caught on aspetto two bass, the first 6lb 7oz and the other 2lb! Good start to the day i'd say....
Went to the beach with Lora to sunbathe and daydream about bass, looked out to sea and there was a whopper of a seal swimming near from the shore, i rushed down and stuck on my mask...and had a good (but really really freezing (for me)) swim with him for around 15 mins. He was teaching me his apnea tecniques!
later on i rushed to meet spicer, not being able to find him in the water, i carried on fishing and caught 2 bass, one around 5lb and the other 2lb! A good way to sleep well at night!
This morning i woke up at sunrise to have a quick hunt...suprisingly i found what i thought was a gigantic bass...when it came closer ( closer wasnt very close, as it seemed untrusting and scared of my presence...a shy fish!) i saw it was a beautiful bream...something i had never seen before here! It had a mighty reaction as i shot it low due to the distance it kept from my gun, i thought i might have lost it so i wrestled with it for a while until i reached the float!
This evenening the low tide is reasonably late...8.00pm...im going in for a quickie, anybody like to join me?
Catch you soon!
ps. photos attached


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Excellent bream Marco. I have always wanted to see one of them whilst diving.

Here is my catch

Bass 6 Aug07.jpg
British spearfishing record

So what is that in lbs?
Congratulations Marco on the Bass and especially the Bream. As Foxfish points out the UK record is 3.53 lbs (approx.) so if you weighed it correctly you have beaten a long-standing UK spearing record by half a pound!!! :friday
Word is Marco sold the bream before getting it properly weighed :waterwork
When I looked it up earlier the record was 1.82 KG which is give or take exactly 4lb and caught by Eric in 2002. BSA - National Fish Records

Not sure if you can claim records if you are not a member of the BSA. Did ask their rep on this forum but he deemed not to reply :confused: . You used to be able to as the BSAC held the "British" records but not sure if the BSA still claim to do the same.

Nice fish Marco.

One of Foxfish's all-time favourite experiences is exploring the spectacular
beauty of SARK'S GOULIOT CAVES. I recall him trying to explain this natural wonder to the visiting spearos last week but, as they say ,"a picture paints a thousand words" so watch next week's COAST-BBC2-Tues-8 pm.

Very good I thought, shame about Herm.
I was disappointed that the islands had to be diluted by the stuff about Dover and swimming the channel though, could they not have done that when they did that part of the mainland???

Was a good reminder of the only time I've been in the Gouliot when I was about 14, what an amazing place it is.
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