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a funny (peta related)

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I've enjoyed following this thread, a well-balanced debate. It is very easy to get over-emotional with a subject like this. My uncle who introduced me to hunting and fishing had very heated arguments with my Aunt who was a vegan. His argument was that a responsible hunter would be very proactive in preserving the environment within which they hunted. He taught me to look after the sea, the land and therefore maintain a balance; where it gets f***ed up is when we humans rape and pillage the resources. If all these rapists had the same outlook as most of the people i've encountered here, things would be much more balanced. Anyway, back to the Opium den.....
It's worth noting that our digestive tract is much longer than that of most carnivores. And the observation that eating cooked meat is associated with the development of higher brain function - from an evolutionary standpoint - is probably arguable. Certainly the association of veganism with a regressive trend is. Witness India - where some of the most highly developed thought on the planet came about - there you see widespread lacto-vegetarianism. Daoists - who like Indian Yogis - were among the first and foremost scientists on the planet - were, as a group, certainly moderate in their consumption of meats and developed a profoundly refined understanding of the body which we see today reflected in the amazing chinese healing and fighting arts. Chinese medicine in particular is unsurpassed for early intervention and prevention.

In the esoterica of these very ancient traditions there is not generally dogmatism either way in terms of diet. Rather they go for a wholistic understanding of time, place and person - and proceed from there.

Rigid attitudes prevent adaptation and appropriate response.

For Example; Back in 1959, when I was abducted by aliens with big, friendly eyes, had I been unwilling to make love to their leader, Queen Xmphqahlq, even though I was afraid of her because she looked just like Ingrid Bergman , the Earth would've been transformed into transpacial goo and we'd all be billions of fermenting bioms. That and the fact that human beings eat chickens are all that saved us - the Qhalqari believe chickens are their equivalent of the antichrist - and took what they see as our mastery of chickens as a sign of great spiritual fortitude. (as if anyone could master a chicken!) Of course, they are intergalactic morons - but the females are hot looking and the entire species thrives on contempt. Treat 'em with respect and you'll get probed. Keep that in mind if you have any weird encounters with animals with prominent eyes, or blank memories on the highway. Best thing is to turn your back on 'em and start swearing. They'll think you're the freakin' messiah.

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Reactions: Spaniard
Chris, you use so many big words, and write so poetically, with subltle humor, that you could be telling me I'm so ugly i make babies cry, and I would still smile
roflroflroflroflClassic literature Fondueset!

Could you explain lacto-vegetarianism? I wouldn't have survived my 3 months in India had it not been for lassi, yoghurt, buffalo milk etc.
I have plesant memories of a place called Parbati Valley in Himachal Pradesh where I bought a very rich sugary substance made by mixing sugar with buffalo milk and reducing it down over heat to a soft fudge-like substance. It came wrapped in the bark of a tree. Ahh the memories
LOL - clearly you know better than I! (hint - Lacto=Milk Products)
It may appear that way, but you seem to have actually studied these areas of knowledge whereas I have just picked up the odd snippet on my drug muddled jaunt from ten years agorofl
Those are all things the world would lead us to believe is bad for us: but in small amounts are tremendously good for the human body. But in large amounts is detrimental to the human body. Therefor everything should be balanced and hence my statements.

But woah dudes and dudettes im getting tired of typing and its 5am int the morning here so ill wate till im awake before I re-read this and laugh at myself.
Reactions: atomichaggis
It's worth noting that our digestive tract is much longer than that of most carnivores.

True, but Our digestive tract is shorter than that of our hunchbacked, knuckle dragging, nut and berry scavenging predecessors.
Having a Longer digestive tract than a carnivore and shorter than herbivores puts Us right about the Omnivore mark... Such a lucky evolutionary break... why would anyone fight evolution?

If vegans believe that diets were better way back when then perhaps the next logical step for them is to stop cooking their root veggies.
Reactions: covert
A lot of this is premised on the presumption that we have evolved. It could be argued that, culturally, what we've primarily done is turned survival into a sort of perversion wherein our pre-occupation with security turns upon itself and becomes self-destruction. It seems possible that on a species-wide scale humanity is essentially shorting out.
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OK... thats way too much for Me to think about right after Norwegian class. I'll try again tomorrow
Love these PETA threads. Have to admire any org. that can get top totty to model butt naked for posters.

I do admire vegans -- that's a hard diet to truly pull off. I reckon it is very healthy too -- as long as you are well informed & careful to get all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. that you need. Energy efficient too & can be cheap (those organic soy meat & dairy substitutes can get pricey though).

However, I have a feeling a vegan diet + fish would be at least as healthy, perhaps more so.

Also, John P, what do you expect if you complain on the "Hunting->The Spearo Board" thread?! I find it easier to hunt fish than birds and birds more than mammals -- no real logic to it. I also find it more natural to hunt now that I am older (perhaps it took a while for all that Disney & fairy tale nonsense to wear off - or perhaps because it is one of the few affordable ways to get decent, fresh seafood for the family in this high price, high tax society) . As Fondueset & Spaniard already mentioned - it is good to have respect for the animals you hunt & eat. I'm always impressed by how perfect bass* & mackeral are -- whether by design and/or evolution/natural selection.

[Does the excellent vegetarian restaurant near the Haymarket Theatre in Leicester still exist? I heard the Theatre closed - but recently re-opened.]

*Bass kill mackeral for food -- so PETA members might console themselves with the thought that we curbing the mackeral killers? Although mackeral taste pretty good too:hmm
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Reactions: atomichaggis
so, if going veg is soo much freakin goodness to some, why do they have to have 'Fake Meat'? I am allowed to say so because i was strict veg for a few months.
And why use a comunication system to spread your propaganda of fuzzy well-being built on the backs of 2 year old asian kids chained to their beds while they solder circuit boards?[not too exagerated ya know]
And now you got me started. There are those people pretending muffy is an innocent vegi too. Put muffy in a box with 15 little bunnies and a bowl of vegetarian dog food, then see what happens.
:wave:wave little bunnies! [anyone who actually tries this is a sick turd]

As long as we eat meat, we ought to show respect for a life we take without pretention. Yes, our blood should pump harder when we spill another's. And if you happen to be vegetarian, eat the gd beans and love em for what they are; good freakin beans - mm mm!

With regard to the whole teeth and digestive tract: everyone knows that the canines have a purpose, that being self defense from cannabalistic sibblings. The tract is specifically designed to facilitate offgassing for good internal health, Humor[a necessary evil], and effective underwater propulsion [think longer shaft = greater accuracy]
And, finally, beer is how we know that vegans and meatins can live happily ever after, THE END:friday [the scrawny veg is on the left]
OK... thats way too much for Me to think about right after Norwegian class. I'll try again tomorrow

Atomichaggis, you'll have to learn that fondueset dives in 4 dimensions, up, down and around and in inner-space. It's mildly irritating as most of us don't dive that deep, but you'll get used to it in time. Or should I say out of time?
Reactions: Mr. X

OK I'd like to suggest that I think, roughly that I vaguely, quite possibly, almost know what You mean.

My response to that would be that average ages and population figures seem quite healthy as opposed to any time in the past.
Also that in any case... whether We are coming or going as a species then thats just evolution in effect as observed in the animal world. Shorting out or changing ones spots is generally what happens.
However, I have a feeling a vegan diet + fish would be at least as healthy, perhaps more so.

If we take out all the people who bypass dairy cos intolerance or are singers etc. then thats just a vegetarian diet. Vegan is a big mouthful of ethics.

Also, John P, what do you expect if you complain on the "Hunting->The Spearo Board" thread?!

This thread started on the beach bar before moderation threw JohnP to the wolves lol
Atomichaggis, you'll have to learn that fondueset dives in 4 dimensions, up, down and around and in inner-space. It's mildly irritating as most of us don't dive that deep, but you'll get used to it in time. Or should I say out of time?

LOL... I'm gonna go lie down for a couple of hours incase He responds to My last post.
Put muffy in a box with 15 little bunnies and a bowl of vegetarian dog food, then see what happens.
:wave:wave little bunnies! [anyone who actually tries this is a sick turd]

My jack russel killed next door neighbours bunny. He almost crippled a goose and jumped into a swans nest, kicked both their arses and swam down the river after them... that scrawny little runt has got some set of chuckies I tell ye.
yeah who moved the thread i like his/her sense of humor ...... to the rest of the wolfs remember hunting in packs is always more efficient muahaha
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This thread started on the beach bar before moderation threw JohnP to the wolves lol
roflOoch! Well, I guess he reached an appropriate & appreciative target audience.
so, if going veg is soo much freakin goodness to some, why do they have to have 'Fake Meat'? I am allowed to say so because i was strict veg for a few months.
Me too. Reminds me of the argument: If we're supposed to be vegetarians then (1) why does meat taste so good and (2) why are animals made out of meat?!

I had several people ask me if I eat the fish I spear! Yes - of course I do, why do you think I fish? It would be pointless (and rather sick/sad) otherwise. I don't enjoy killing - but it is a natural & necessary part of the process.
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