Hello Jea,
Congrats on the fish....
That MT2 of yours should do fine. At overall length of 44" it is short enough to compare to any Euro 110cm or so which sometimes is longer than 110cm over all length. I am like you a bubble blower and I am very poor with freediving skill. Good thing you found out that and mid-handle Riffe is a chest loading gun, only the Standard series and the extended butt Competitor is hip loading. Once you get used to it, loading is a breeze even with a BCD. Get used to the aiming, practice on some soda can or the sort, it will help you a lot.
The MT2 is not too much of a gun, no worry. Somehow the name Riffe to many hunters strictly means bluewater, it is not true.
The beauty of your MT2 is it is ultra flexible. It can be used with the 7mm (9/32" ) Hawaiian shaft and with 2 bands, it is almost recoiless and the power will match any Euro of the same overall length. I am assuming ur MT2 does not have the floater teak wing, it will swing anywhere you like easy but it will be a negative gun aka sinker with shaft out. That same 9/32" shaft can be pumped with 3 bands and don't worry about shaft whip or acuracy lost, I have a few friends using MT2 in all sorts of shafts and bands configuration.
With the 5/16" shaft and 3 rubbers, it is potent enought for its size. Again at 4 bands and that 5/16" shaft, you won't get shaft whip, ur 48" shaft length is considered short, it doesn't get whip that easy, not with 4 bands.
Next time if you need more punch, use a 3/8 shaft. Being a mid-handle it can take 3/8 shaft an still have a good balance in extended dive. You will want to use at least 3 bands with 3/8 shaft, 4 is even better.
What you are paying for the extra dollars for ur MT2 is a sound platform and good built and hence extra dollars over other brand. Other than a shorter barrel, that MT2 shares all the same stuff with an MT5 and also share the same trigger mech with all the Riffes, including the biggest Bluewater model. As for barrel flexing, it will never occur to any Metal Tech series, that's where part of your extra dollar is being spent.
For Metal Tech series, I have MT0, MT3 and MT5 (subsidized....
) and my group of friends have all except MT4. I know these guns very well and have experimented with them a great deal.
As with recoil, you will later learn that after many shots, 4 bands is nothing, it is a matter of getting used to and this recoil will NOT be to the extend of spoiling your accuracy, MT2 is quite a heavy gun ( even without teak wing kit ) for its small size so it absorbs recoil well and hence it sinks.
However, when 3/8 shaft is used and 4 bands involved, there will be a little muzzle flip you must live with but with aiming practice you can shoot accurately, its a trade off for extra range.
I use my MT0 for wrecks with very strong current in the region of 2.5+ knots, anything longer than that will get swiped away by the current...can't aim, thus MT0 was the choice specific to that need.
You made a smart choice, that MT2 length, compact dimension and upgrade capability which should allow you to enjoy and grow your skill with it till sometime to come ......have fun & dive safe.
Congrats on the fish....
That MT2 of yours should do fine. At overall length of 44" it is short enough to compare to any Euro 110cm or so which sometimes is longer than 110cm over all length. I am like you a bubble blower and I am very poor with freediving skill. Good thing you found out that and mid-handle Riffe is a chest loading gun, only the Standard series and the extended butt Competitor is hip loading. Once you get used to it, loading is a breeze even with a BCD. Get used to the aiming, practice on some soda can or the sort, it will help you a lot.
The MT2 is not too much of a gun, no worry. Somehow the name Riffe to many hunters strictly means bluewater, it is not true.
The beauty of your MT2 is it is ultra flexible. It can be used with the 7mm (9/32" ) Hawaiian shaft and with 2 bands, it is almost recoiless and the power will match any Euro of the same overall length. I am assuming ur MT2 does not have the floater teak wing, it will swing anywhere you like easy but it will be a negative gun aka sinker with shaft out. That same 9/32" shaft can be pumped with 3 bands and don't worry about shaft whip or acuracy lost, I have a few friends using MT2 in all sorts of shafts and bands configuration.
With the 5/16" shaft and 3 rubbers, it is potent enought for its size. Again at 4 bands and that 5/16" shaft, you won't get shaft whip, ur 48" shaft length is considered short, it doesn't get whip that easy, not with 4 bands.
Next time if you need more punch, use a 3/8 shaft. Being a mid-handle it can take 3/8 shaft an still have a good balance in extended dive. You will want to use at least 3 bands with 3/8 shaft, 4 is even better.
What you are paying for the extra dollars for ur MT2 is a sound platform and good built and hence extra dollars over other brand. Other than a shorter barrel, that MT2 shares all the same stuff with an MT5 and also share the same trigger mech with all the Riffes, including the biggest Bluewater model. As for barrel flexing, it will never occur to any Metal Tech series, that's where part of your extra dollar is being spent.
For Metal Tech series, I have MT0, MT3 and MT5 (subsidized....
As with recoil, you will later learn that after many shots, 4 bands is nothing, it is a matter of getting used to and this recoil will NOT be to the extend of spoiling your accuracy, MT2 is quite a heavy gun ( even without teak wing kit ) for its small size so it absorbs recoil well and hence it sinks.
However, when 3/8 shaft is used and 4 bands involved, there will be a little muzzle flip you must live with but with aiming practice you can shoot accurately, its a trade off for extra range.
I use my MT0 for wrecks with very strong current in the region of 2.5+ knots, anything longer than that will get swiped away by the current...can't aim, thus MT0 was the choice specific to that need.
You made a smart choice, that MT2 length, compact dimension and upgrade capability which should allow you to enjoy and grow your skill with it till sometime to come ......have fun & dive safe.