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Any UK spearo underwater attacks?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Hi all,

I was wondering if there's ever been any record of UK spearo's being attacked by anything whilst in the water? :blackeye Que stupid answers, but here goes.....

I got stung in the face by a jelly fish on a night dive last week. Hurt like a *******!
Hi all,

I was wondering if there's ever been any record of UK spearo's being attacked by anything whilst in the water? :blackeye Que stupid answers, but here goes.....


Stupid answers, I should say coco!!

Pastor got hit by a lead weight on his back by a c*** of a fisherman deliberately once

Mate if you are scared sit on the side and watch honestly
I’ve had RIB’s go over my head while I’ve been on the bottom, jetski’s come straight at me at full throttle and wind surfer use my SMB as a marker buoy to surf around even had one wind assisted f**king idiot go inbetween me and my SMB, that one made me jump as he pulled me backwards off the bottom.
Then there’s underwater nets of all types, size’s and descriptions, they can get you into more sh*t quicker than most stuff.
Like Padaxes has said the dreaded jelly fish sting, still got a small scar on my right foot where one did me on the little piece of skin between the top of the foot pocket and the bottom of my suit.
The list of nastys goes on and on, all well worth it though.
Hi all,

I was wondering if there's ever been any record of UK spearo's being attacked by anything whilst in the water? :blackeye Que stupid answers, but here goes.....


Seals can sometimes be a bit bothersome - I've got a bit of a story to tell about one that wouldn't leave me alone.
Seems like the most common threat are other humans, and possibly the odd jelly fish. Nets are clearly very dangerous.

I'm not getting scared, I've been asked if spearo's has ever been attacked by sharks or anything large in the UK, which made me think.
I rubbed my lip last weekend and got an infusion of pain I looked down and there was a small pink tentacle on my glove... must of landed there when I was looking for lobsters...
It swelled up for a few days, then was sore and now its going scabby...

Its the simple smalls things we need to look out for, not the big scary ones
Reactions: apneaboy
I have been told the odd story about sharks buzzing spearos but I dont believe there has ever been a official recoded shark attack in British waters ever?
I do remember something about a Great White attacking & killing a sailor who was cleaning the waterline of a British warship.
However this was in about 1820 & the ship was moored in a Scottish harbour, the event is recorded in an oil painting that is on display somewhere but I forget where!
Stupid answers, I should say coco!!

Pastor got hit by a lead weight on his back by a c*** of a fisherman deliberately once

Mate if you are scared sit on the side and watch honestly
Been causing me a shit load of bother too, stopped my diving altogether this year. NOT ..KIN HAPPY!!

Podge, if that had been a spare rib going over your head I know you would have had it rofl
Reactions: apneaboy
Been causing me a shit load of bother too, stopped my diving altogether this year. NOT ..KIN HAPPY!!

Podge, if that had been a spare rib going over your head I know you would have had it rofl

Pastor me old nugget, how’s it going? Been far too long!! You still a down and out mature student or are you now one of the well educated down and out unemployed bum’s that I’ve got to pay for?
Mate I’ll tell you what if I could have finned at 20 knots I’d have had the little git that was driving that RIB, bones and all!:ko
Glad to see you’re still around and looking in on us from time to time.
Hope the back sorts itself out so you can get back to worrying a few fish but until then maintain yer sense of humour baby.
Reactions: apneaboy

1820, you've been around for a while bud!!
Reactions: jay cluskey
Been causing me a shit load of bother too, stopped my diving altogether this year. NOT ..KIN HAPPY!!

Podge, if that had been a spare rib going over your head I know you would have had it rofl


Good to see you back on even if its fleeting. Hope it sorts itself out soon. What is causing the problem? Not healing?

Good to see you back on even if its fleeting. Hope it sorts itself out soon. What is causing the problem? Not healing?

I’ll tell you what the problem is, it’s running around after those sheep with a floppy pair of wellys, that’s the problem. Very bad for the posture don’t you know…:crutchroflrofl:crutch
Hi all,

I was wondering if there's ever been any record of UK spearo's being attacked by anything whilst in the water? :blackeye Que stupid answers, but here goes.....


I've also heard of conger taking/attempting to take fish from spearo's belts in the past.

There are plenty of very real hazards out there but, as pointed out above, most of them are down to humans (other humans, as well as the individual spearo getting himself into trouble).

There are lots of safe places to dive and shoot decent fish, and as long as you remain safety conscious and sensible about what you are doing you should have a relaxed and enjoyable time. And relaxation is the key! If you are worrying about hazards and things attacking you, you are going to have a bad day out anyway.

Strike this problem from the equation before you even get in the water by finding a safe, clean, clear, mellow place to dive, and stay well within your comfort zone (you can shoot decent fish in 2ft of water, you know).

Good luck - relax and enjoy.

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Gill net in France through a tidal race in '99. A billowing almost invisible cloud of micro monofilament.
Caught my right fin and shin whilst surfacing, more I struggled, worse it became. Always wear 2 knives so removed the one on my arm and as calmly as I could, as leg enveloped, cut the gill away from calf and left right fin in the net. Dropped weight belt, and surfaced. I apparently sounded like a Donkey coughing when took first breath. Never been more fightened in the water. Always wear 2 knives !.
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Reactions: apneaboy
Their are loads of seals arround, what eats seals???? Only a matter of time lol rofl
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