This is just a post of interest, I was wondering if others out there are using the same technique as me. In dynamics I use bi fins and swim the first 50m fairly slowly once I do the 50m turn I switch to dolphin kick and go fairly fast for the next 50m. I got this approach from Wal when he used to wear bi fins I think he did around 144m using this style. Does anyone know what kicking style the big dynamic bi finners use, ie M stepanek, S mifsud, T sietas. Ive never seen these guys on video so I was jsut wondering.
Is anyone else out there using this approach?
What are the pros and cons of swithcing to a dolphin kick?
This is just a post of interest, I was wondering if others out there are using the same technique as me. In dynamics I use bi fins and swim the first 50m fairly slowly once I do the 50m turn I switch to dolphin kick and go fairly fast for the next 50m. I got this approach from Wal when he used to wear bi fins I think he did around 144m using this style. Does anyone know what kicking style the big dynamic bi finners use, ie M stepanek, S mifsud, T sietas. Ive never seen these guys on video so I was jsut wondering.
Is anyone else out there using this approach?
What are the pros and cons of swithcing to a dolphin kick?