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British Columbia Spearfishing Trip

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A few Teasers - including a rare shot of Brianna - who operates trans-supercavitation velocities nearly all the time, making her nearly impossible to photograph. (Note how strange Collin looks when trying to appear serious)
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Nice to see everyone is back, even Jimdoe, who propably returned home with more gear than he left with! rofl

Looking forward to more photos and fish stories!

I spent this weekend at Mermaid's Cove (Saltery Bay) with surface water temp a balmy 20C. Went down to say hello to the Mermaid from the Telegraph Crew. :inlove She missed all of you!

We HAVE to do this thing again!
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Sounds and looks like another DB inspired meet and greet was a success!!
This should point to all that just getting out and under is the important part.

This get together has all the makings of becoming a DB staple, much as the Keyz Kraze and Sven's Ab Grab. :ban
Sorry to have missed the trip amigos. I have a recurrant back injury that flares up every once in a while and lays me out for a few days. It's almost 2 years since the last incident.
In any case, I'm happy that you all got together and had a great time. Good people should get together and make an effort to do so if necessary. we'll do another one for sure.
Thanks to Stephan as always for maintaining DB, as it's a great venue for meeting other divers.
Reactions: feign
Erik - we missed you! I have a blown disk at l5s1 - the largest rupture the neuro had ever seen - I've managed it quite nicely without surgery and would be glad to provide info on what I did and do. In fact I'm thinking about doing a short piece on lower back stuff because so many of us seem to have problems of one sort or another in that area.

Here is a link to the site I've set up for the Cove dives - incipient stage - I'll be tweaking it over the next few days - but some images are up and I'll work on some of the movies tonight.

Great pics Chris!

Erik, we're going to discus such topics as "lee's Trunk" and "backboard" next time I'm in edmonton

next time Sadique, next time, inshallah

and a couple pics of a nice trophy yogi spotted up the road from telegraph cove. (sorry they're a little blurry) we saw EIGHT bears that night, in 2km. now, Walter, comming next time? :t

oh! and I'll let Jim tell you about his close encounter on the way out of town the last day, his new name is "Chief Steps on Bear"


  • Tele Bear 1.JPG
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  • Tele Bear 2.JPG
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Reactions: feign
Speaking of JimD2u - I felt privileged to capture this magical moment between Jim and his spirit animal. If only the whale-lady knew what a truly sensitive and gentle soul he is..
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Reactions: jimdoe2you
Wow guys, that was an amazing trip. Great people, diving, spearing, and weather.

I will upload more photos if I can log on Chris to your site? I only have one complaint with the pics - you have my prized ling cod cropped off in that photo . I need documentation for Pete, as I promised him I would get one next time at Haddington.

Cheers to Jim from Florida, who shipped 100 lbs of gear in addition to his max for luggage in order to bring enough stuff so we could all live in comfort. Colin and Jim were gracious for all of us to use their space and gear for community meals and social gatherings. Brianna and Gabe - thanks to you as well for this.

Tyler, will get you some stories soon.

Reactions: jimdoe2you
I'll second that. I was so preoccupied overcoming the difficulties to just get there that I was way short on alot of necessities. That and lack of experience with such expeditions. You guys were amazing! The Blackened Lingcod was, for me, the apex of some phenomenal meals!
This one is a little better - more will be up on site shortly.
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Oh my gosh.

We left too soon!!! :duh Look at those monsters! Gabriel is anxious to get back to Haddington for next summer, but frankly I am too scared. Those ling are the size of my leg!

Hands down, one of the happiest gatherings we've so far attended. Thank you everyone!! I look forward to us getting together again, with Erik!! and other folks who'll be inspired to come either from our stories, or photos, or just because!

SOME highlights of the trip for me were:
Day 1 and 2: Being there! First time to that part of the island. Meeting Pete, Eric and setting up the bedouin palace that was Jim and Colin's tent (or rather sleeping by the fire while it was being constructed at 4 am). Bauza bay and watching Tyler munch on an urchin. Cactus juice, greenling on a stick and Shallowest duck riding the puddle on Peter and Eric's tarp.

Day 3: Meeting Chris and Claire who got RIGHT into the water as soon as they arrived. Watching everyone diving and having a blast. Getting to try out Eric's F1s. The Crab feast.

Day 4: The wicked trip out to some funky drift spots, all the cool ocean life we saw (incl. some whales swimming by). <u>What an amazing day.</u> Lots of fish for supper that night! That beautiful crab :inlove Losing my snorkle trying to find the seals. The excitement and drama of Haddington Island.. the tasty potluck afterwards (thanks to all the chefs!). Glowstick fun!

Day 5: Recupe from the previous day, a quick jaunt to ?? Point? Gathering at TC restaurant for some beers, tea, food and cheesecake! I must mention Buddy trying to get some doritos from me, even though there were a dozen signs at least reminding him he couldn't have any.

Day 6: Our last day..photo ops in our new shirts. A dive just on the other side of the cove with some fun current and funnier fish trying to stay upright in the current. Playing in the kelp, more photos and then we had to go...

...we wish we could have stayed longer! Thanks again everyone involved!

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Reactions: feign and Adrian
A few more comments.

Headline news "Eric Fattah abandons quest for deep blissful freediving...converts to a spearo rofl " - more on this story I am sure in Pete's write up.
Eric - thank you for the demo of the F1 for all of us. I think I should start a thread on our thoughts, since this was a unique opportunity.

Pete - loved your example on not forgetting the simple & small treasures of the sea. I believe also that you were the least violent member of the trip, with the exception of the box crab.

Tyler - I enjoyed observing your success and skill with no fins spearing at significant depths and catching fish with bare hands.

Colin, Gabe & Jim - fellow slayers of monsters of the deep, I salute you. Thank you for always carrying the gun, just like me.

Brianna - thanks for your help with shoes and equipment, when you weren't diving at ledge point. Have you guys eaten any of that rockfish Gabe got at Ledge? The black rockfish we got at Telegraph and Haddington the next day are excellent eating.

Chris - your dedication for the camera shots of fish takes more skill and patience than spearing one I think, well done. Did you get any shots of the schools of hundreds of rockfish (and the giant blacks) at Haddington as well as the white anemone gardens on the SE side? I am also impressed with Claire, who took on 10 C water temps with a 3mm wetsuit.

I suggest we start thinking about next year for a trip. It should be annual. Jim had some ideas about some southerly dive locations.

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Hey Lee and Brianna,

Great thoughts! I'm working on the article as we speak.

I really enjoyed my time, as well. I didn't actually catch the box crab, Jim brought him up, but I ratted it out and enjoyed eating it.

I'm not as fish crazy as the rest of you spear-or-bare-hand-wielding hunters but I sure did appreciate the amazing meals every night! :inlove And the drama of the hunt. Eric and I already came up with a new design for a pole spear that would allow for a more relaxing and deeper hunt .... :martial It seems like the perfect tool for hunting on a camping trip.

What I enjoyed most about the trip was being in the water everyone all at once. The water wasn't warm and even the lone Floridian staying in for the maximum. It's rare even in Vancouver to dive with people so keen and interested in diving to look at things. Once of my clearest memories is breathing at the surface and seeing not once, but FOUR spearos go down all at the same time into clear green water teaming with life and then hearing the excited conversation after they all surfaced with fish tales.

More in the article....

Reactions: feign
Pete, they are never Fish TALES, it is always Fish FACT!

this trip was such a riot, I am still comming down from the high
Excellent photos Bri,
"Wetgroup2" is my favorite followed by Tyler and the boxcrab in the kelp.
The fact that there is some blurryness in the former adds to the atmospheric effect and helps make it very interesting visually - it doesn't detract from the photo at all!

Everybody check out these photos and then tell me you don't want to go next year!
Great Shots Brianna! You covered what I've been thinking is missing from my shots. Some really very well done shots of the group. I like the one where we are standing around on the dock in wetsuits and windbreakers. Your uncontrived covert portraits are outstanding. I have two good movies of schools of larger rockfish, and several photos of the larger schools of small fish - I'll get them up there soon
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I'd like to remind everybody - if you want to upload to my site just pm me and I'll get you the ftp link and password. I can host the full-size images and video up to 100 meg. For Video it's good to run it through windows movie maker - I use the manual method and just choose the maximum size it will give me - this works out pretty well.
I'd love to make a DVD of the trip but don't know if I'll find the time.

Claire has some of the 'arty' shots she took of greenlings and the fancy crab up on her site here
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Reactions: feign
Great pictures, and sounds like you had a great trip. I wonder how much it would be to go from UK, hmmmmm....................
Chris, I love the video clip of the big rockfish school in the current. I will try and upload a few pictures to your site. Just delete whatever doesn't fit with what you have or will have up there. These are all topside stuff.

Claire has some impressive photos. I didn't know a bucket full of dead fish could appear so pretty.
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