re: BSA MCZ News & Discussion
Firstly, here’s some news from the Fisheries Officer:
DEFRA have just announced the consultation on a new set of Marine Conservation Zones, as promised in the Marine and Coastal Access Act.
Government seeks views on proposed Marine Conservation Zones « Defra News
What does this mean to spearfishermen?
The first thing to understand is that these are NOT "no take zones"
The areas listed in the DEFRA documents were produced from 4 regional projects which have been running for the last few years trying to identify areas for Marine Conservation Zones. The British Spearfishing Association had a representative on the steering group of Finding Sanctuary, which covered Devon Cornwall and Dorset, and has been very active throughout the process making sure all spearfishermen are treated fairly. Also on the steering groups were representatives from as many user groups as possible: scientists, anglers, conservation groups, commercial fisherman of all types, yachties, aggregate companies, harbour authorities etc etc. The idea was to try and reach some sort of consensus as to the best places to put MCZs for maximum benefit and minimum negative impact.
Each of the areas listed has been selected because it contains a specific habitat type or species. If, following the consultation which has just been announced, DEFRA go forward with an area, it will then be the responsibility of the "competent authority" to bring in management measures which will protect the species/ habitat the area has been designated for. In the case of anywhere inside 6 miles this will be the local IFCA (Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority, what used to be the Sea Fisheries Committee). These measures may take the form of byelaws or may be some kind of voluntary agreement if that is thought appropriate. It will need to be demonstrated that any management measures proposed are effective , reasonable and proportional.
As an example, the "Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges" site has high energy intertidal rock, pink sea fan and native oyster listed as the habitats and species it is being proposed for. If the site goes forward management measures which protect these species will need to be introduced by Southern IFCA (after a further public consultation as required of all new byelaws) Activites which may damage the species or habitat, such as in this case probably towed gear (trawling and scallop dredging) and aggregate extraction will be restricted or stopped, but activities not thought to have a harmfull effect (such as lobster potting, angling and spearfishing) will continue as before.
In practical terms most of the MCZs will probably have some restrictions on towed gear, but static gear, angling and spearfishing should be largely unaffected.
The BSA committee will now go through the whole document and prepare an official response, which will take some time. If any spearfishermen (BSA members or not) have concerns about about specific sites, or have anything you would like covered in the response please get in touch.
Further information and updates, including the BSAs official consultation response once it has been prepared can be found on the BSA website
British Spearfishing Association and the BSA facebook page