My motives here have always been for a unified association which can represent spearfishing at the highest political, public and social levels.
Currently the BSA is definitely making progress on some fronts and so far so good. They responded appropriately for recognition as a National/British stakeholder in the MCZ process.(see
Annex A, DEFRA document above) Why was this important… spearfishing in our island’s coastal seas could now be facing direct/indirect regulation for the first time ever… making intelligent representation critical for every single one of us… including the youngster who has just bought his/her first gun to the old bloke retiring to his hard-earned bolt hole next to an MCZ by-the-sea!
To achieve the best possible outcomes for all spearo’s in the UK
'WE' now need to be a coherent, unified body which clearly projects not only ethical, sustainable practices but also accommodates
ALL forms of spearfishing from beginner to competitor. Officially recognised association training facilities wouldn’t go amiss either?
However for as long as competitive spearfishing has the total dominance it currently enjoys over the BSA… how, what & where we can spearfish will be the unforgivable future loss for all of us and our sons/daughters and even more so if we continue to do nothing about our increasingly precarious situation!
The sticking point as always is powerful individuals refusing to adapt and accept change… you know who you are and so does everyone else now… it’s also more than obvious what you should be doing with your somewhat short sighted but considerable influence?
The current situation is clear; our coastal seas have recently become political capital via European legislation and international public opinion and accordingly at the mercy and whim of an uninformed majority vote... as well as our own time-wasting disharmony. A unified British Spearfishing Association which has representatives from Wales, Scotland and the whole of England, (N.I, Channel Islands etc?) rather than just the south and south-west is clearly now, and for the future of UK spearfishing, extremely important.
Consequently a more explicit partnership with Deeperblue, its moderators and its regular contributors is just one progressive way forward. Not only regarding increasingly important public and social representations but also as a powerful publicly accessible media resource (HD underwater video links, digital written accounts/observations/species counts etc.) which could be brought to future MCZ 'management' negotiating tables.
I became a paid up member of the BSA as well as a DB site supporter because I very much want to see effective change regarding the representation of spearfishing at the highest and most influential levels which could ensure my 16 year old son would/can also enjoy 35+ years of unregulated, unhindered, ethical/sustainable marine hunting/caretaking as well as a voluntary underwater researcher perhaps?
There’s still time for a unique, unified association to approach DEFRA and the marine protection management process/science requesting a more influential role or perhaps a willing research resource regarding under & some above water observation of marine life in the UK’s coastal waters… at night and all year round for some... we are far and away the most practical, specialised, geographically spread and experiencially qualified marine divers to do so. Our (+ freedivers) HD video observations of marine life are not negated by underwater breathing equipment and therefore vastly superior regarding marine life observation and its natural behaviour/s within its natural habitat/s... marine research gold dust!
Conversely there’s also room for an appropriate competitive sector which should now take a brave step backwards out of the limelight for not only current political/public perceptions sake but more importantly for the long term future of spearfishing in
OUR coastal waters.
The 31 probable sites which will be designated/implemented in England (only) later this year are here in red… as for Wales and Scotland???