I taught myself by the following stages:wow Lucia, please tell us how you managed. did you set about to learn or were you just "gurning" as I seem to do in the hope that something cool happens...
- Try to yawn (easier if tired or bored!) to open the e-tubes. There should be a crackle as they open and then a roaring sound of the breath.
- When that becomes easy and both can be opened, try the same but holding your breath. If necessary still open your mouth wide. To know if you are actually equalizing, hold your nose and swallow, which creates negative pressure in the ears, then let go of your nose and equalize.
- When that becomes easy, try the same but with minimal opening of the mouth. The adams apple should move down.
- Now try both standing/sitting and lying down. It may be much easier in some positions than others.
- When it works well dry, try in water, about 1m depth in an upright position.
- Increase the depth if it is working.
- Try in an inverted position.
It can be very difficult to get from one stage to the next. I can do BTV reliably dry if I have been practising, but I can only occasionally do it in water, and have never managed in an inverted position. The progress I have made is promising though, so maybe it will be possible to learn. For now I use Frenzel if I need to equalize.