Hey there,
I've been lurking on this site for a while now and was following this thread with interest, as being able to do BTV has been on my list of cool things I want to learn how to do for some time now.
I can sometimes equalise hands free with a unblocked nose frenzel type manouver although only out of water, not inverted and it's very slow. I don't know if I'll ever get it good enough to use in water but I'll give some more practice.
I was just wondering how is everyone else in this thread getting along? Any improvement? I'm a little worried that this is one of those things that you just can do, but can't really teach yourself to do (effectively anyway).
Also the "crackling", "roaring" sound and actual equalization seem to be independent with me:
Out of water I can equalize easily by swallowing and I get crackling but no roaring.
By flexing my throat/tongue muscles I can get crackling but only occasional equalisation and no roaring.
By closing my eyes + flexing some other muscle I'm not aware of I can get a little roaring but no equalisation.
Finally by yawning I get crackling, roaring + equalisation.
Anyway, thanks for all the tips, it seems that I have been too focussed on straining muscles and contorting my face so I'll try a slightly more zen approach from now on.
I've been lurking on this site for a while now and was following this thread with interest, as being able to do BTV has been on my list of cool things I want to learn how to do for some time now.
I can sometimes equalise hands free with a unblocked nose frenzel type manouver although only out of water, not inverted and it's very slow. I don't know if I'll ever get it good enough to use in water but I'll give some more practice.
I was just wondering how is everyone else in this thread getting along? Any improvement? I'm a little worried that this is one of those things that you just can do, but can't really teach yourself to do (effectively anyway).
Also the "crackling", "roaring" sound and actual equalization seem to be independent with me:
Out of water I can equalize easily by swallowing and I get crackling but no roaring.
By flexing my throat/tongue muscles I can get crackling but only occasional equalisation and no roaring.
By closing my eyes + flexing some other muscle I'm not aware of I can get a little roaring but no equalisation.
Finally by yawning I get crackling, roaring + equalisation.
Anyway, thanks for all the tips, it seems that I have been too focussed on straining muscles and contorting my face so I'll try a slightly more zen approach from now on.