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C4 Mustangs

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I emailed C4 who sent me to Mark L., as OMER is the US importer for C4, and he's still waiting for a price list. Looks pretty cool to me.:)

Jon said:
I emailed C4 who sent me to Mark L., as OMER is the US importer for C4, and he's still waiting for a price list. Looks pretty cool to me.:)


He contacted me too, and said that he would be waiting to see how they were accepted in Europe before he decided to import them.
I heard somewhere that they are 299 euros (over on medfish I think)... Ed
Yep, received the new price list from C4, they will cost 299 Euro, but they look, hm, different but interesting :)

portinfer said:
I heard somewhere that they are 299 euros (over on medfish I think)... Ed
299 Euro, that's cheaper than the standard C4's here in the States.
Jyri, of Specialfins, is trying to see if he can score me a pair of footpockets to put on a new monofin.:)

They are realy ugly but I think they will be way better than everything else on the market till now. And they are quite expensive too.
Expensive? looks like it cheaper then the previus C4 models (except VTR) if you buy blades + ~55€ footpockets.
comparing with other carbon brands it's about the same price.
that was on the relative price.

On the absolute price... ok it's quite some money.

Yeah another good thing about these footpockets, u don't have to crop anything to install mono blades..Of course, just from pics,,we will see..just a little more patience.:)
Any news about the Mustangs yet or has anyone tried them? As I look for new fins I am not sure if I should give them a second thougt. They will never win a beauty prize, but if they work well I won't care about that.
Hi all,
as there are no news, I made the decision to give them a try. I ordered a pair of Mustangs 25 spearfishing (it's possible to change the rails) but have no answer how long it will take until they will be delivered. I will keep you informed.
As I live in germany I ordered them from the german dealer (Herbert Kiesewetter).

marginatus said:
where did you ordered it form? directly to C4?
Keep us informed

I like the fact that you can adjust the footpocket.

I don't like the fact that in 2006, these blades are not 100% carbon :naughty . Not so revolutionary.
Here is the info about the blades directly from the c4 website:
C4 carbon blades are composed by many layers of fibers and have a progressive lamination for obtaining the required parabolic bending curve.
Being bended, external layers are submitted to biggest strains. Therefore the whole blade resilience to the start of breaking greatly depends on the external layer resilience and the blade section involved.
In the area near the blade flexing, C4 inserts in the middle two fiber glass layers in GlassR. If really happens that the six external layers of carbon break, the greater lengthening before breaking by the fiber glass consents to a progressive, slower fracture to take place.
In a blade completely in carbon, the fracture is abrupt, sudden. With the insertion of GlassR in the fin core the fracture is controlled, less abrupt, with evident safety advantages in case of accident.
C4 MUSTANG blades have section resilient to breaking increased by 15%. Moreover the position of fastening screws has been appositely moved away from the blade bend so to cancel the effect of the holes drilled in it.
The combination of increasing the resilient section, of non drilling holes in the section under strain and of altering the blade lamination, allowed, in lab tests, the reaching of fracture resilience better than 40% compared to C4 Falcon blade, already so many times put to test.
Internal glass fiber layers, due to their position in the blade, do not have any consequence on elastic and reactivity features because they’re only where the blade has almost null bending, near the foot. The remaining of the blade, where the bending is substantial, is totally in carbon fibre so to guarantee the best elastic reaction.
The excellent sports results obtained with C4 blades are a sure guarantee of performances by our products and suitability of our technical choices.

So I don't agree with you, I think they are revolutionary in any kind.
best regards

Panos Lianos said:
I like the fact that you can adjust the footpocket.

I don't like the fact that in 2006, these blades are not 100% carbon :naughty . Not so revolutionary.
Dear Friends,
I am Marco Bonfanti from C4 Italy. Thank you for your interest in our Mustang's fins.
The first delivery will be in March and I decide that all Mustang will be make only with 100% Carbon.
The difference between 100% Carbon and the mix of Carbon/Fiberglass is very very little, but I think that you will be more happy...

While I was planning the Mustang I thought that will be right to realised a Monofin.
I think before summer...

Ciao, Marc4
I've seen them yesterday in Zagreb Fair. They look realy good. Hope to see independent review soon! Now, I'm in "trilemma", Flap, Mustang or Majestic :)
I am Marco Bonfanti from C4 Italy. Thank you for your interest in our Mustang's fins.

Hail to the man who produces some of the most beautiful carbon fiber products for diving in the world!!! Forza C4.

il Pininfarina delle pinne subacquee

I tested his fins for one year before bringing the Falcons into the US market 4 years ago. They were an engineering revelation of unprecedented performance.

Did I understand you well Marc4 that C4 is going to make monofins ?If it's true I can't wait to see C4 monofins !
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