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C4 Mustangs

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Panosb, i was messing with the fins and if you get a bigger size and you lace it tight you can eliminate the omega shape as the omega sides stay together?
I need a dive :(
panosb said:
... On the top side of the footpocket where the laces are, the rubber has an "omega" shape in order to allow for the tigthening and loosening of the footpocket. That omega shape forms 2 sharp edges that are in contact with my feet. What eventually happens is that as i am trying to push the fin in front that edges are hurting me...
That sounds like the footpocket needs a shoe tongue just like every normal shoe. Finally, I guess shoemakers do not use them in classical and sport shoes just for the fun or for the visual effect, but rather because of several hundreds of years of expereinece :) There is no reason they could be left out in fin footpockets, once they use the same design as shoes. Maybe you could try to glue a tongue in the footpocket yourself. Though it would have to be from a quite thin and firm rubber, not to cause more harm than improvement.
How about even taking it one step further and just stick a snug fitting sports shoe to a blade? :)
trux said:
That sounds like the footpocket needs a shoe tongue just like every normal shoe. Finally, I guess shoemakers do not use them in classical and sport shoes just for the fun or for the visual effect, but rather because of several hundreds of years of expereinece :) There is no reason they could be left out in fin footpockets, once they use the same design as shoes. Maybe you could try to glue a tongue in the footpocket yourself. Though it would have to be from a quite thin and firm rubber, not to cause more harm than improvement.

This is what i was thinking too! I intend to buy the bigger size and fit a rubber part!

Marginatus, the bigger size is just too big 4 me! Even with 4mm sock. But maybe for someone else it could do the trick. I had tried 3mm socks but the problem is even worse! With the 2mm i am "closing" the omega more and thats why it is better!

I ordered a pair of the C4 Mustangs in April from Austin's Diving Center in Miami (305) 665-0636. Picked them up on Saturday morning. Austin's has more in stock. Ask for Dennis or Doug.
trux said:
Maybe you could try to glue a tongue in the footpocket yourself. Though it would have to be from a quite thin and firm rubber, not to cause more harm than improvement.

i've also experienced this problem with mine, only on one foot though. it would be quite annoying after a few hours. at first i thought it was the flat part of the lace that was rubbing against the top of my foot, but like panos said it was the bottom part of the omega. (mine are 43-44 and my regular shoe size is 43 1/4)
the remedy was to glue a thin layer of neoprene onto the top part of my 3mm neoprene sock. now i'm getting full enjoyment of these fins, truly astonishing and so powerful!
Hello everybody. I am looking forward to getting the 25 mustangs. I have a problem with my left foot so I want a soft fin. The problem I have with the mustang is when I hold it and try to bend it it fells stiff compared to some of the soft fins of other brands. I would like to hear opinions from people who own them.
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