Here the answer of Carlos Coste.... This is very sad!
Hello friends
Yes, we have a problem with my CWWF record. This id my personal opinion about:
The last Sept.28th, I brake a world record with official AIDA judges: Marcello De Matteis and Perry Gladstone, When I descent few meters before the plate I had a problem with an ear. I did once a single hold on the rope for balance, but I didn’t grip the rope again. Just touched the plate following the ascent.
The judges verified the tapes, they didn’t manifest doubts to the organizer or the phycisian.They said after reviewed the tapes: “The record is OK, you only touch one time, the Record is waiting for doping test”. Thirty three days later, appears publishing in the AIDA website, this record is not valid.
If the judges had demostrated some doubt, I have could try again, because the event finished one week later.
These actions show AIDA like a not serious asociation, with many rules, but with no professional judges able to recognize records around the world.
I have many questions about that:
·Why is the objective to designate two judges: one class A, and other class D?
·Are able the judges to homologate records?
·If they are able, Why other person from AIDA can change their decision?
·What is the sense to spend a lot of money paying all expenses to two judges?
·If the freediver broke the rules.Why the judges didn’t say anything about that during the event?
·If the judges made mistakes, Who is responsible for that?.
·Do you have any idea how much money, time and effort spend in an event to homologate records?
·Why the judges haven’t enough autority to validate records?.
·Why AIDA didn’t designate the judge of the judges for all records around the world, because at the end the last decision is from him?
I'm very sad for this problem. We lost very much time, training,money and esfuerzo y sacrificio por esta gran estupidez. Por si fuera poco mi imagen como deportista serio está siendo dañada ante la prensa por la falta de claridad en la decición.
Well, Bye
Carlos Coste From Caracas, Venezuela