I'm just a newb with another newb idea, but could we possibly get some of the veterans that know freediving in and out set up chat room meetings every once in awhile for beginners such as myself to ask questions about gear, training, situations, anything like that? I know everyone here has lives outside of DB, but if someone like Kars, Efattah, Jon, etc. could possibly host a chat room "meeting" maybe once a month, or once a week, or something down those lines? I think it could help tremendously because forums can be a lengthy process, and we don't always have time for replies. I just thought it might be a good idea to get some of the elites to lend a helping hand and be able to talk 1 on 1... it would be faster, more efficient, and i know i'd get a lot more info out of that than on the forums. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.