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Children spearo's

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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

You'll be lucky Tom, I bet they change tack and get right into shopping, heels and handbags!!...
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Great picture Nob. I bet you proud as anything with him.
Fins look a bit small though stop been so tight and get the poor lad a pair of carbons roflroflrofl

If it was my lad I would have him using a pole spear first purely besause he will out fish me with a gun roflroflrofl

All the best chap look forward to seeing his catches :)

Cheers buddy. Yeah chuffed as hell with him. Fiber fins r on the list . Ha ha! Yeah he has mentioned a pole spear first and im pretty tempted with gettin 1 for the pair of us. On the fins note he has started with short fins because his foot size also that he has club foot so dont want tomuch pressure on his little anckles. Just need this weathet to hurry up and get warmer to get him in.
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

well after from Spearolee,s "sizeist" comments could you please confirm which one is you in the photo,s !!!! On a more serious note though ,it amazes me when people comment about parental responsibility,they often fail to realise than no one cares for the child more than the parents themselves ( usually !)

Ha ha ! Im the 1 on the left buddy. Yes mate so true. Rep sent. Its goin to kill me in years to come that fom trophys bein posted to my house but with my sons name on. Ha ha ! I would absalutly wet myself if he got 1 this year!
Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Awesome Good luck Kaden, have a great season :)
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

I started taking my daughter from about 8/9.
I wouldn't give her a gun. She has mentioned taking my polespear but when we went she was happy to swim.
I'd feel sad if I saw a 5 year old willing (and enjoying??) dispatching a fish...

I feel unsafe with a loaded gun in the vicinity of a child... I would not even consider them with a loaded gun until they were adolescents at least.

having spent a bit of my career researching kids cognitive development, I can only see negatives to this... I also think cops or social services would not be thinking its a good idea either... Sorry, no offense just my opinion...
also... You know your kid best so my opinion could not be relevent.
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Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Good skills Nobby rep on the way.

The little man looks well chuffed in his new suit, almost as chuffed as you! (He is the one on the right!?!! Lol)

This will be a great way to build confidence in young Kaden, I look forward to seeing pics of his first spear caught fish.
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Here are my personal thoughts on this subject...

I am absolutely horrified that someone would want to arm a 5 year old with a dangerous weapon!!!

The idea of taking a young boy diving with his father is fantastic but when you start including potentially lethal guns into the situation it become absolutely horrific in my eyes!

Personally if I was on a beach & I saw a young chap wondering down the beach with a gun I would phone the police, just because it is not illegal does not make it right.

This sort of thing really puts our sport in a bad lime light & god knows what the authorities would think.
Please by all means take your son diving with you, show him our underwater world but leave the guns at home!

Incidentally not only has your post with the photo been reported on the forum but I have even received an E mail from a non member who was horrified to read of your intensions..who else is watching?

For those of you who dont venture off the regional threads, you might want to read some of the threads about spearfishing being under threat & possible legislation on guns that were discussed over the winter!
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Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Here are my personal thoughts on this subject...

I am absolutely horrified that someone would want to arm a 5 year old with a dangerous weapon!!!

The idea of taking a young boy diving with his father is fantastic but when you start including potentially lethal guns into the situation it become absolutely horrific in my eyes!

Personally if I was on a beach & I saw a young chap wondering down the beach with a gun I would phone the police, just because it is not illegal does not make it right.

This sort of thing really puts our sport in a bad lime light & god knows what the authorities would think.
Please by all means take your son diving with you, show him our underwater world but leave the guns at home!

Incidentally not only has your post with the photo been reported on the forum but I have even received an E mail from a non member who was horrified to read of your intensions..who else is watching?

For those of you who dont venture off the regional threads, you might want to read some of the threads about spearfishing being under threat & possible legislation on guns that were discussed over the winter!
the pic was just a posed pic . I hav stated that i was going in the water with no gun to start with. It is only then wen i will decide wen he should hav a pole spear or a gun if any at all. I have posted the pic for ppl to enjoy the pic. It was u that sparked up the debate about it and ppl hav jumped to there own conclusion. The fact that i am his parent his own saftey comes above anything els. I will not allow my son to use a gun or pole spear until he is confident and i am confident he can use it. Weather it b at the end of the summer or in a couple of years. I have 3 other childern with the eldest being 8 years old. I havlots of neices and nephew and most being in there teens and all of them i would not trust with any of the gear. Wen is the right age?? My opinion is my 5 year old son has more respect for this equipment than a teenager so who is more danger?? I do hav every intention on taking my child spearfiahing but it will b snorckleing until i am absalutly confident that he is safe. The fact the pic has destressed some ppl i think is shocking! I have tryed to clear up that i am not taking a irisponsible aproach with my child. His saftey is my upmost priority. Weather or not ppl beleive in wot i am doin i can relax knowing wen my son is older he will not b silly with equipment will not b guilty of shooting undersize fish or going out without respect for the sea. But as it stands it is a pic of a farther with his son in wet
Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

A pic of farther with son in wetsuits and gear. If ppl want to loom in depth of the pic it cold also simbolise a farther and sons freindship with 1another and that the boy seeing his dad as a role model.
Re: Re: Dorset Spearfishing 2013

Here are my personal thoughts on this subject...

I am absolutely horrified that someone would want to arm a 5 year old with a dangerous weapon!!!

The idea of taking a young boy diving with his father is fantastic but when you start including potentially lethal guns into the situation it become absolutely horrific in my eyes!

Personally if I was on a beach & I saw a young chap wondering down the beach with a gun I would phone the police, just because it is not illegal does not make it right.

This sort of thing really puts our sport in a bad lime light & god knows what the authorities would think.
Please by all means take your son diving with you, show him our underwater world but leave the guns at home!

Incidentally not only has your post with the photo been reported on the forum but I have even received an E mail from a non member who was horrified to read of your intensions..who else is watching?

For those of you who dont venture off the regional threads, you might want to read some of the threads about spearfishing being under threat & possible legislation on guns that were discussed over the winter!

Nice april fools joke mate; you got him a treat!!!!!!!:):):):):):):)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
oh kaden will be 5 next week.
not at all. he can load a gun and will b with me the whole time. we are going in the water without the gun for a few dives then he will take gun with him .
he knows how to breath up and has a great breathold for any bigginers standards dispite his age.
Wen is the right age?? My opinion is my 5 year old son has more respect for this equipment than a teenager so who is more danger??

So he is is only 4 at this point in time? And he can load a gun?
He can also breath up and has a good breath hold? My god, what do you think any apnea instructor would say to that?
And regarding the correct age? Professional swimming coaches only get kids aged 5-7 comfortable with water in a pool playing games. Its their opinion that they do not have the confidence, motor muscle co-ordination, strength or cognitive resources (concentration, comprehension etc.) until 7 or 8. Most swimming teachers would not suggest kids swim in an ocean until much later and after a few years experience in pools and some lessons in open water swimming e.g. currents, swell, wildlife, nets etc. etc.

I'd suggest you reconsider and get some expert advice... before something really bad happens...

I really hope you dont run before you can walk (/swim in this case) I'm sure you will take all the positive and negative comments on board and do the best for your kid :)

But I also think its great to get kids in early. My wife is a swimming coach and my daughter has been swimming since a baby, although she prefers a nice warm pool to a cold ocean.

She was 8 or 9 in the below pic and we had a great time


Anyone else diving with their kids?

PS my 4 year old son has a mask and snorkle, but he stays in the pool. He is mad for the water :)
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Great pic!!! I hav taken on board all sides of view on the subject. My son also has been swimming since he was a baby. I think this has been taken all out of proportion to b honest. I am taking my son snorcleing first in very shallow bays with no tide wot so eva. i do value the points raised and he will only b using a ploe spear or gun wen the time is right. My son is awsome in the water he can do the width of a swimming pool under water on a breathold on his own steam . The spots i am taking my son r not even out of his depth and no risk of any freak waves ect but hold great fish. My sons saftey is the most important thing to me and i will not be doing anything to compromise that. And as it goes with free dive instructors they would b horrified of pretty all us spearos as very little follow the corect techniqus . As i is a pic and we will just b snorkleing for the time beein.
Good points, we can all advise, but you know him best and his abilities!

One thing that I am adamant about is diving with a knife. Even when I snorkle I insist that myself and my wife both carry at least one knife for snorkelling and two if we are diving deep. I've seen too much crap in the ocean to be complacent about getting tangled in something.

I've thought a lot about what my kid would do in that kind of a situation... I can give my daughter a knife, but I'm just not sure I trust her to have the common sense and urgency to get herself out of a situation... and i'm not even talking about diving... she could be snorkelling and get her leg caught on something and the natural swell could overwhelm her.

Anyone any thought on that?
Good points, we can all advise, but you know him best and his abilities!

One thing that I am adamant about is diving with a knife. Even when I snorkle I insist that myself and my wife both carry at least one knife for snorkelling and two if we are diving deep. I've seen too much crap in the ocean to be complacent about getting tangled in something.

I've thought a lot about what my kid would do in that kind of a situation... I can give my daughter a knife, but I'm just not sure I trust her to have the common sense and urgency to get herself out of a situation... and i'm not even talking about diving... she could be snorkelling and get her leg caught on something and the natural swell could overwhelm her.

Anyone any thought on that?
totally agtee with that statement but the type of snorlkling we will b doin is exactly the same as i dive with lee at low viz and at night. I hav a knife everytime i dive we r that close together we r touching elbows so totally know every move of one another also i didnt add that i am making my son a look alike weight belt. Is has closed cell pvc foam cut in the shape of weights covered in fiberglass all on a belt. So in reallity my son will hav a float attached to him along with not being out his depth i think he will b as safe as u can get whilst snorkling. But yes very good points to some1 who is looking at my pic and thinks that any1 can just do it. But myself wont b taking silly risks .
I wouldn't trust my 11 daughter with a staple gun, let alone a spear!
But then again she is very acident prone.
She often comes out with me on day dives, but watches the action from above holding into my float (she has strict instructions not ti stray frim the float) she string up the fish and pets the giant bull seals for me.

She is having a custom soearo suit made to measure as we speak; I am toying with the idea of her and a pole spear this season.

Every kid is different, Tia at the age of 5 with a loaded weapon was never gunna happen. But if Nobby feels comfortable in the water with Kaden armed one day, then I would say a father knows his own son best and thus would take every feasible precaution to ensure the saftey of themselves and others around them.

Nobby the hobbit is a very respectful, caring, responsible and tiny adult; I have no doubt that whatever he does with reagards to Kaden in the water will only be carried out discretely and after very careful consideration.

I think it is just plain silly for one to make assumption that mr baggins would let his son wonder around a public beach with a potentially lethal weapon in full public view. Nobby ain't stupid

Naughty hobits's...........

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
"What" no practice shots on the beach how disappointing!!!!

"naughty hobbitses stealing our fish" keep them on the beach!!!!
I think it's a good idea for Nobby to be teaching his son from such a young age, as he will learn to respect the ocean and all the creatures within the ocean. The. When he is older he can teach his friends this same respect an they can all enjoy the ocean sensibly together instead of hanging around streets, or watching tv/video games. Im a very firm believer in encouraging young children to participate in activities from a young age, whether they are considered dangerous, as there are risks and dangers involved in pretty much every activity/sport/hobby.

I appreciate other people's concerns about the safety of the child but scientists have discovered that the inner ear of a baby is the only sense organ to fully develop before birth. But also I've seen documentaries about tribesmen (moken I think) teaching young children to hunt underwater, they even submerge the babies from a few months old as apparently the eyes can adjust to the saltwater to allow them to see clearly underwater. These babies are often of good health and live to a decent age. Which suggests to me that there can be no harm in allowing young children to enjoy water and swimming activities. The big issues are the child's comfort levels, but also I imagine a swimming instructor would not feel totally comfortable teaching young children about swimming as they are not the instructors children and so they will never truly understand how comfortable the child is in the water, because no amount of training will create a bond as strong as a parent-child bond.

So as others have said if Nobby thinks his son is at a level where he is comfortable in the water with his dad, and he is willing to learn then I see no problem with it.
Also Nobby as I've said before If you want an extra set of eyes helping your boy out ill be more than willing to leave the gun at home and support you both in the water.
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