I'd give it some more time, Michael, before drawing any conclusions. A lot of times when we do something like break
a habit, we think we are doing it for a certain reason ( like
to improve our statics, in the case of quitting coffee) but in
reality other things are going on.
Also, quitting a substance habit often is followed by and associated with other changes in consumption and/or
behavior which may temporarily or permanently alter the
outcome. A classic example is people who quit smoking to
improve their fitness, but then triple their caloric intake, halve
their caloric burn and end up fatter and wheezier than before.
I know that in my case, when I go off coffee, my chocolate consumption tends to creep up to rather disgusting levels if
I don't watch it. Ample testimony to this is available from anybody who is personally acquainted to me, but don't ask unless you have a strong stomach !
Maybe you've made some other changes besides quitting coffee ? Sleep patterns ? Food ? Water intake ? Or, is other stuff going on that might have to do both with deciding to quit coffee and not improving in static ?
The human mind is a sly thing. I can even imagine myself ( the evil inner Paul, the little devil on my left shoulder) making sure my static times don't improve when I quit coffee, all the while saying "See ! That doesn't work. ! MIght as well have one, heh-heh, just one won't hurt...heh-heh........"