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Cornwall 2007!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Good luck tomorrow Huw, hoping its a pleasant dive,
just spare i thought for me working hard away when your having fun.
Dive safe mate.
Have a good dive Huw, I'm giving it a miss today as my son has a rugby match this morning. Was out yesterday for a dive (scuba) and the viz was great.

Didn't even leave the house due to an unexpected family visit :head :head :head :head :head

so so SO p*ssed off

Cheers for the good thoughts anyway

Not really clear to me from the photo. What have you done. If anyone can add a pencil sketch to exagerate these mods I would be greatful. I can't see i have any room above the pivot point to crimp on my omer spear barb.

I did think as I think ben has done bending up the curve in the barb a bit more.
If the barb doesn't open properly, it might also be worth lubing the spear around the pivot & barb. The friction around the barb can become quite bad - but a little vegetable oil sorts it out. NOTE: the barb on my spear hangs down - so this helps it open; Omer spears probably have the barb on top - so this might help them close (as Dave mentioned, you might need more friction to keep them open). I would be concerned that bending the barb might cause the spear to fly differently vertically (more upwards for an SA spear & downward for euro spear). I see what you are doing though -- opening the barb angle so that the fish is more likely to catch on it and so open it.
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Reactions: dave
Quote Oh and one question, my gun rubbers have started to feel sticky , New this season - could it be the water getting colder - 14 degrees in today.
Maybe it always happens and I've just not noticed it.

reply -try talc on them after the freshwater rinse. It helps to stop perishing in rubber. works for dry suit seals as well
Wow,our very own thread,clearly we have too much time on our hands.
Dive-wise,i ventured in last weekend for a mooch around Maenporth in Falmouth......Water was 13.5c and the bass were nowhere to be found,took a couple of mullet in the shallows and saw a doggie but after spearing all through winter last year to 'make sure' i wasn't missing out on anything i've decided to peel my gear out of the car and give it a rest till April.This year,the first bass i spotted was on April 16th.
Guess we'll just have to fill our time talking about all the gear we're hoping to aquire and getting restless for next year.
P.S. A week or so before i saw plenty of bass on a north coast reef but i doubt there'll be many opportunities for that again.
hey Jake,

I'm down in Fowey so like 20miles away, but i visit truro regularly. Been spearing long??

Hey huw, not too far from Truro then, I started end of august so not too long! I hoping to really get into it this summer....but needing a little guidance! How about you? Jake
Hello all, I was interested to see a triggerfish washed up on a Newquay beach yesterday.


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