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Cornwall 2007!

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Its about 15-20' deep in the first picture.
Huw, I was in Fowey last Friday, looked crystal in Readymoney Cove
Spearguns by Spearo uk ltd finest supplier of speargun, monofins, speargun and freediving equipment

:head :head i could slap myself... i was free for the day and so was doing a driven pheasant shoot all day, which actually was pretty good, but still i would have jumped at the chance to get in again. I walked towards readymoney on sunday just to check out how it was looking, and the surface was still, but pretty cloudy, so turned back and didnt make the whole walk. I may check it out tomorrow.

That sounds like an amazing divespot mate... and when you say got triggerfish, do you mean you shot some or just saw them? I was keeping an eye out all of last season as i hoped to pop my first one - mainly because i havent tasted one yet and have only heard good things about them . I will definately try to get down there next season. Also thats a pretty cool clip that you had there... what type of boat were you on... a little dingy?

Got means shot! It was Willi who was the lucky captor, not me although i've managed to get one in Portland harbour, Dorset. V Good eating as you say.

The boat is a Zodiac 3.5m. Suits us for getting to those otherwise out of bounds areas! Made it out to the Longships reef in the summer...strong tides there!
Porthgwarra is a great place for the vis and the car park is very close. Be careful though if you go out of the cove. The current can be very strong.

When I was there last summer, a guy spearfishing said that a seal shows up 4.00 pm. He was right and for the two days that I was there it turned up and followed me around.

It's a shame it's a 5 hour drive. Do any of you know when the A30 Goss Moor roadworks should be finished.


It's a shame it's a 5 hour drive. Do any of you know when the A30 Goss Moor roadworks should be finished.



I reckon it’ll be just about the same time as when hell freezes over.
rofl rofl
I could swear it’s only there to keep us interlopers out.
Jesus...anyone else been laid low by flu?.....been off work for a week and now i have a chest infection and been signed of till tuesday.Rough as rats.
Best weekend for surf and weather for ages and i was on the couch dying.
Anyone get in whilst it was calm?
Anyway,went off the kayak idea and have just purchased a little (3m) rib with a little center console and a 15hp engine that i'm hoping will be an ideal 2/3 man spearboat,got it off ebay so it remains to be seen whether it's a good deal or not but i pick it up on saturday so obviously im hoping it's okay.
yup... i was ill for over a week. It seems to hae laid off now mind you, but still - when i had it, i wasnt up to anything... let alone holding my breath .

Hope the rib works out... it sounds ideal, just make sure you cork up your speartips rofl. Be sure to let us know how it works out.

Here's a photo of it,it looks pretty small but i think thats gonna be a plus for launching at the beach i live at.
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Reactions: spearheads
Jesus...anyone else been laid low by flu?.....been off work for a week and now i have a chest infection and been signed of till tuesday.Rough as rats.

Me too. Been waiting for a month for the weather to improve. It does and I'm crook. My missus was bad for 2 days and them fine, I've been rough for nearly 10 days. Sooooooo..... pissed off.

my sinuses are still stuffy so i'm not going to risk diving with it:rcard .
Also i cant see to well out of my left eye after my carpet python striking at it.:martial rofl
Sorry to hear about the man flu lads...trademark winter bug eh? The boat looks just the job badlander, you may find it a bit tight with 3 but ideal for 2...It brings so much more ground within range...nice!
Picked up the boat today,she's a lil' beauty.Needs a few little cosmetic jobs done and the engine could use a service but on the whole,well pleased!
Ideal mate! When do you plan on taking the maiden voyage? Also i jut ordered my suit today!!! Waiting time is about a month... ill let you know when it arrives.
What suit have you ordered?......good time to order it though,i waited too long last year and the 6 week waitng period was almost too much to handle.
Have a few things to do before i take her out,first thing is getting a tow hitch fitted to my car,borrowed my mates car to pick it up so today i'm finding somewhere 'cheap' to get one fitted,then i'm going to get the engine serviced and get all the bits and bobs i'm going to need.
I'd like to get her in the water for the begining of April with all her little jobs done but any spell of good weather will be hard to resist a quick burn.
What suit have you ordered?......good time to order it though,i waited too long last year and the 6 week waitng period was almost too much to handle.

I went for a...

nylon outer,
smooth cell int.

Then put on a few little extras like a loading pad, Knee re-enforcements and the obligatory camoflauge! Like i said, im pretty excited for it to come, and like you said badlander, the wait isn't THAT long... especially seeing as the weather is as it is.

What sort of time of the year to you guys consider the season to start? I was thinking easter time ish, but thats only a couple of months away... is this right or am i dreaming (by the way by 'season' i mean when the water starts to calm, and the fish come back rofl ).

Sounds like we have identical suits,just had some knee pads put on mine up at Snugg cause i wore mine out last year.
As for when to get in there,i reckon April is a good starting point but any calm weather and the possiblity of good viz even now would be enough to get me in there,even though last time i went in i saw a total of one dead Gurnard....not even any Wrasse,it was like a ghost town.
Bring it on,i'm itching to get back in there (and there be some fish).
Same here... i cant wait for the fishg or vis to come back .

Also i was wondering about gloves. I really could do with buying a pair, but i have never been very keen on them simply because of the restirictions that they place on manoverability. Any suggestions on a decent thin pair anyone?

I use a pair of 3 mil cressi gloves ,i got them at the DB shop.
I thought they would be a pain to use but they are not they have a great grip, also you dont have to worry about spikes on bass and were you place your hands on a dive.
I know how you fill about the long waiting time for the suit. I will need a new suit after this summer as its getting a bit to tight.
I think there is mixed opinions on wearing cloves but I have always done so.
I have seen many fish escape their captor because of nervous handling at a crucial time! Spearheads is right that gloves give you more confidence to grab a firm hold on a struggling bass & this applies with lobster & crabs as well. However my bro OMD never wears them because he feels the lack of grip & feel is a disadvantage, mind you he has a few scars!
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