October brings to mind, Halloween, lobster season and leaves falling gently to the ground, covering Mother Eath in a rainbow hue of... Waitaminute!! October is for Caption Contests!!
Take a look at the photo below, submit your phunniest phrase and sit back and see if you become one of the chosen ones to be sportin' a DB Tshirt or coffee mug! How cool
is that?! Stephan even licks the stamps!
Winners have come from from Slovakiaville to San Jose, and from places where the Sun shines to places where they don't have the sense to move because of the hurricanes
so it's Worldwide baaaby!
Have a good time and I wanna see some effort on the part of you Hawaiian and Canadian types... buncha slackers. rofl
DB Comp Guru :king
Take a look at the photo below, submit your phunniest phrase and sit back and see if you become one of the chosen ones to be sportin' a DB Tshirt or coffee mug! How cool
Winners have come from from Slovakiaville to San Jose, and from places where the Sun shines to places where they don't have the sense to move because of the hurricanes
Have a good time and I wanna see some effort on the part of you Hawaiian and Canadian types... buncha slackers. rofl
DB Comp Guru :king
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