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DeeperBlue.com Announce 2014 UK Member Meet

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Don't wave dude jump! We Will have a pint Waiting for you!You know where we are!....when I get there!
Country file on bbc1 atm is showing spearfishing and freediving which is nice to see
O dear, I feel a liver complaint arriving at the same time as the first competitor!
Did I mention the 8.2 % alcohol content of this years OMD cider?
Reactions: jerseymike
Excellent brew Mart
Good to see you and Sarah again - I think the taxi came just at the right time

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Thanks Mart.

Had a good swimdive with Grantl this evening - quite a few bass seen, mainly smallies by me but G saw some lurkers.

Really impressed with Grants breathhold - he's been working hard - 2.5 minutes at 15metres watching bass, gilthead bream and a large trigger fish swimming around - i think he's going to totally nail this fish-in in that form... Jersey boys you better be in training i think the trophy is staying up north!
No Bluefin though [emoji31]

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This years winner might need a different set of skills - if you look at Sundays weather forecast you will see why!
Looks like the venues will have to be Knife on Sat & Bulwer avenue on Sunday but we all know what weather forecast can be like...
Reactions: grantl
Good dive Jonny - thanks for showing me those marks. I'd probably have taken years to locate them myself. Local knowledge is always a good thing.

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
I just noticed the wind forecast for next Sunday has now dropped 10mph from yesterdays forecast!
Just goes to show how you cant trust the weather forecast, not looking fantastic but still fishable....
Reactions: jerseymike
I just noticed the wind forecast for next Sunday has now dropped 10mph from yesterdays forecast!
Just goes to show how you cant trust the weather forecast, not looking fantastic but still fishable....

One of the great things about this island, there is usually somewhere sheltered if the wind picks up.
Reactions: jerseymike
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