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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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I have been asked to make it very clear that NO ONE IS TO SHOOT A BLUEFIN TUNA!

I saw Guernsey fisheries statement that they were not to be targeted or landed by either recreational or commercial fishing, however as far as I'm aware recreational anglers can take them but not sell them? Maybe of course the laws are different in the channel Islands.
They're caught every year around now/Sept off certain areas in scotland and can be targeted by recreational anglers but never sold.
I'd love to see one off guernsey :)

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
Hi Martyn,
Paul Achler has asked me to give you his food order as he can't seem to log on.
Friday night, Brie to start and then steak and ale pie.
Saturday night, charcuterie to start and then ribeye steak, medium please.
Thanks, see you Friday.
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Thanks Dan only two left then ... Michael Watson & Sebastian Lovell... are you out there?
Guys and girls, I will be in Guernsey for several days, Stephan invited me to organise some recreational Freediving during the Deeperblue Spearing species competition with a few divers which i'm doing at the moment.

I was wondering what the interest would be in me organising a small micro course on the Friday afternoon (8th August) before the social and / or the Monday evening after the competition (11th August).

The purpose of the course would be to improve the apnea skills of spearos, Freedivers, surfers and Scuba divers. I have condensed some of the most useful information into a single presentation from courses I have designed for surfers to improve their apnea, a spearfishing course that improves hunting skills, and a defensive diving course for Scuba divers, to help deal with (and how to avoid) stress situations.

The lecture would cover information such as

· How to improve apnea times

· Stretching

· Breathing exercises

· Recovery breathing

· Relaxation techniques

· Training tables

· Diet and supplementation and other ideas.

· It will give those attending specific training ideas to actually start improve, and they will see improvements if they do all of the exercises provided.

It would be in the form of a three hour + lecture, a small amount of practical, and some videos with interaction encouraged and questions answered.

The cost would be around £40 per person, the subjects covered are broad, but the format I have set it up in means you will get a lot of good information for your training. These are tried and tested methods and will certainly help you improve your breath hold, and that transfers into more comfort and confidence in the water.

I would also be interested in doing this session on the Monday evening.
Thanks jonny just arrived in new forest half way there!hope it dryer by Wednesday ! See you all soon .
Only another 158 to get then out of 160 !LOL.leave us some to get !hows conditions.
Warm, sunny and reasonably flat. Viz was about 6m down at 43m today and the water temp at that depth was 16.3°C

More good news is that the beer in Sark is now only £160 per pint.
Well that's been a lovely 9 hour drive through general motorway chaos needlessly caused by dozy bloody car drivers [emoji35]
Never mind. I'm now sitting in some dive outside Poole and the beer is excellent. Holiday mode now firmly engaged and looking forward to getting the camp setup and the first Guernsey dive of the year tomorrow eve :)

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
Dam if I'd known could of met up for pre hols beer!im not far away in new forest .have a good one see you soon save a pitch for me!
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Well that's been a lovely 9 hour drive through general motorway chaos needlessly caused by dozy bloody car drivers [emoji35]
Never mind. I'm now sitting in some dive outside Poole and the beer is excellent. Holiday mode now firmly engaged and looking forward to getting the camp setup and the first Guernsey dive of the year tomorrow eve :)

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
Guernsey Giltheads are getting very nervous!
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