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Deepest freedivers of the world

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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WR with no fins = 82m official (86m unofficial)
WR with bifins = 93m
WR with mono = 111m
ratio = 1.193
Using this ratio, an 80m CW mono dive would be a 67m CW bifin dive...

If you use Pelizzari's apparent pb's, 84m bifins vs. 98m mono = 1.167
Mandy, 88m mono vs. 67m bifins = 1.313
Martin, 108m mono vs. 93m bifins = 1.161
I don't think comparing the 93m constant world record from 4 years ago to the current one is a good way to compare relative performance of a monofin vs bi-fins. Divers are constantly improving thus the older record the worse the performance. Ideally you would want to compare the same diver at the same the level of progression. The closest I could come up with is Martin's previous world records of 93m in 2003 with bi-fins & 103m in 2004 with a monofin. Considering he had 16 months of progression between the two the difference is even less.

93 m Martin Štìpánek CZE Limassol, Cyprus

103 m Martin Štìpánek CZE Spetses, Greece

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Two years ago I heard from Umberto that he already went over 100 meters, if I remember correctly 105 with monofin. And there was still room for improvement, or so he said...
Hi Jorg,
Umberto's PB with a monofin is 98m, but with no specific training, so he is definitely capable of 100+
Umberto's PB with a monofin is 98m, but with no specific training, so he is definitely capable of 100+

Being that Umberto doesn't pack, and based on "The Manual of Freediving," I'm assuming he dives on full-inhale, how does he equalize? Does he use a mouthfill or some other technique that he also teaches at Apnea Academy (excuse my ignorance )?

I just find it interesting that the prevalent solution I see for deep divers is packing with mouthfill...what is Umberto doing to go 100m?
Mark Harris also did 67m in training for Egypt. I think he was the deepest bi finner in the event.
Not bad for an old guy that can't stick to one finning style

The 'old guy' would be happy if he could stick to one finning style, but his legs are cumulatively 92 years old now. And they're only good for about 20 metres each....I should probably be taking up competitive sudoku instead. :t
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It is possible to air equalize to 110m+ even on FRC (lung volume < 5L), so it should be a piece of cake to equalize to 110m+ on a full inhale (8L).
Umberto has next to a very large lung volume enormous control over his diapragme , which he uses to push the air up into his mouth and ears.
This is very difficult and requires lots and lots of training to do this without tensing up. An alternative way to get the air in your mouth at depth is the technique William Trubridge is using . He is not pushing air up but sucking air up (sort of negative packs).
There are always more then one way to do the same thing. Mostly based on physiological differences, posibilities and experience
Reactions: demasoni
I might be wrong, but as much as I understand physiology, you cannot use the diaphragm to push air. Muscles only contract one way and when the diaphragm does, it pulls the lungs down, causing inhalation. Exhalation is done via different muscles and the tension/elasticity of the lungs and tissues pulling them back (passive exhalation). Forced exhale is again done using different muscles (abdominals etc)? The importance of the diaphragm in deep diving remains the same though, it must be elastic and flexible to allow the lungs curl up higher and smaller, allowing you to go deeper before you "run out".

Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Reactions: DeepThought
Sounds plausible. Have to check some medical books on that to be certain, but it is definately true that sometimes when you think you use certain muscles in fact it might work completely different.
Anyone trying negative packs might want to do that with caution. The couple of occasions I tried, the end result was a lung or throat squeeze and blood in my sputum.
Like with all these thing , packing and negative packing are advanced techniques and should be treated as such , with care , proper training and very very gradual buildup.
My friend Jonas Krahn did 67m in our cold and dark lake with his plastic gara3000.
And he did 60m with this fins in his first competition after 1,5 years training only! (nice 2005)
His personal best in dynamic (with this fins) is 175m.

And dont forget -> his personal best in static is less than 6 minutes only!
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Kike Curavic = 88m with mono

Hello, sorry for jumping in like this with my first post; but can you just tell me where and when exatcly Kike made that dive?

I tkink we all know what Kike is dooing, and that is not diving and compete.

Just to be clear, Croatian CWT record is 75m and it's made by Zeljko Vedris.
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Hi Goran,

I believe it was during a training session with Kirk Krack. But Eric will know.

Of course, it was unofficial.
I'm not sure about the 88m... but Kike did 87m with Kirk.

Last summer Kike did 6 dives to 80+ in our training. (inside of 10 days)


ps, My pb with bi-fins is 68m...
(the last training dive before ibiza wc comp 2001)
Tanx for clearing that up, I tooth we are talking about competitive dives!
I do not wanna go into debate about Kike, but if stories about his training results are thrue
then he is propably the most nervus man at the planet when competition starts...
The gap between his training results and real stuff is just to big!
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Dear Goran,

Some people like competing, some don't. Kike don't need competitions to prove he can go deep. I don't think there is sooo many divers coming up from 80+ and start whistle the national hymn after three seconds, like he can.

...by the way Goran, how deep have you been in a competition?
