Every now and then a new freediver gets interested in competitive like freediving, or at least training. I thought it would be very helpful for him/her if there was a few examples to start making own training program, so why don't we post our training programs for display.
I am still that new freediver getting interested, but I have made program for myself:
Monday: aerobic exercise
Tuesday: pool
Wednesday: muscle training
Thursday: aerobic exercise
Friday: muscle
Saturday: rest
Sunday: pool
Aerobic exercise contains ~1h of running or badminton, with low or moderate
exertion level.
Muscle training contains 3 sets of 30:
back extensions
Pool training contains:
(max) attempt on FRC without warmups or breathe up
technique training, mainly without fins
some acclimation and having fun
As you can see i'm on a basic training period, trying to push my shape up for anaerobic training and specific freediving training.
So now's your turn to reveal the secret training program.
If you see any flaws in my program and feel that it needs to be corrected, please feel free to do so
I am still that new freediver getting interested, but I have made program for myself:
Monday: aerobic exercise
Tuesday: pool
Wednesday: muscle training
Thursday: aerobic exercise
Friday: muscle
Saturday: rest
Sunday: pool
Aerobic exercise contains ~1h of running or badminton, with low or moderate
exertion level.
Muscle training contains 3 sets of 30:
back extensions
Pool training contains:
(max) attempt on FRC without warmups or breathe up
technique training, mainly without fins
some acclimation and having fun
As you can see i'm on a basic training period, trying to push my shape up for anaerobic training and specific freediving training.
So now's your turn to reveal the secret training program.
If you see any flaws in my program and feel that it needs to be corrected, please feel free to do so