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Diving Tattoos

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Feb 9, 2005
ive been think for a while now about getting a tattoo of something to do with freediving or the ocean and was wondering if anyone else has any? i have a heap of pics for ideas but im just not sure what i want yet, here is one of my favorite ones, just without the clouds and stuff maybe water or something in and around it.


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Hi Leighdu. nice picture, it would look really cool done in Turquoise Blue and not Black, with very light gray shading added. and location between the shoulder blades on the upper back.
I don't remember his name, but one swedish diver had "Apnea" written on his back in huge letters :) That's a ballsy tattoo, me thinks...

I just try to avoid tattoo parlors, especially after a few drinks...
yea ive got that pic, heres the biggest one i have.
nice tatoo, exept hardly anyone would know what it meant :head


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I have this 'Mayol'-tattoo in my upper back from 2years ago!!
but I would have to wax my hairy shoulders if you want to see a photo :D
yea i got that pic from Mayol's site :t

what colours did you go with and did you add anything else to it?
Hi there, that dolfin can look pretty cool as a tat. Im also thinking of another one, first one hasnt got a water theme though so I wont bother with posting it. I have seen quite a few shark tattoos though but then again thats been done and we all want to be original right :)
I was toying with the idea of a fish tatoo once. I've got this barracuda shaped scar on my arm. It happened after shooting a large cuda, not long afterwhich the boat sank, afterwhich we spent the night on the capsized hull. I thought it would be nice to capture the energy of the event with a small cuda tatoo on the scar.
After thinking about it, I thought "that thing would look an awful lot like a little baitfish!"
I guess I'm just saying that it might not be a good idea to tatoo a baitball onto yourself :)
wow mark nice tat, dont think i would be brave enough for a full back piece for my first tat.

how long till you think it would be finished? and how much does somehting like that cost?
heres my pic that i edited, this post is making me want to get it even more


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Thought I'd revive the old thread. Did you get the tatoo? Does anyone else have dive tats? I got mine before I even started diving but it suits.


( Duh, When I said revive I was looking at someones join date)
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I am getting my MMMM cant count 7th tattoo today, will post pic when its decent enough to see. Hammerhead with tribal .

Well its done and here it is , a bad picture, its outlined black with turquoise blue fill.


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Mark Tomkins said:
This is a work in progress.....not a really good picture....
Wow! I am absolutely not into tattoos (I find most of them really ugly), but this one, although not finished, is really amazing. Congrats! Who's the author of the picture? The same person who makes the tattoo?
Nice tatty Groupermandness. 'Ouch' is all I can say.
well iwent in to a shop today to get a drawing done, I gave them my pic and talked about some water around it and they said becuase it would be on my uppper back having the water in a V shape with some rays of sun coming down, should have the drawing sometime in the next week.
I took a photo of a reef shark from above when I was freediving in the Bahamas. I wanted to get it as a tattoo, but the local guys I went to kept wanting to change things and add bits to it and by the time they'd finished their sketches it had lost it's appeal.

I took them the photo and said I want the shark put down the middle of my back "as is", approx 14" long. They said we'll straighten the tail out, add some water flows and sea weed, change the colours and the whole time I'm saying "but want this image not one your creating"

All im' saying is, make you use an artist that you gel with, not the just the nearest one.

I still want a tattoo I just need to find someone that will embrace my ideas rather than change them.
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