I had my 2nd ever in-water samba about 10 days ago (swam too far before the dive, dived too soon after the swim, stayed down too long etc.) I knew I was in trouble on the way up, then thought I was ok after surfacing. Shortly after that, though, I realized that my right leg was doing a rather vigorous cancan on its own accord.
This was similar to my first samba (same deal -- right leg started doing its own thing). One of my buddies was having samba troubles a while back and, again, he had a very consistent pattern (temporary loss of control of his trunk and diaphragm).
Is there a tendency for sambas tend to occur in patters (i.e. will person A tend to samba one way more often than not and person B samba another way more often than not)?
Another observation is that after the samba, my breathholds seemed to get a lot easier. This was an accidental discovery since I basically ended my day of diving after the incident, but did shallow dive on the way in. It was done with no breathup while I was slightly winded from a swim and in pretty strong currents and it was still one of the longer dives of the day.
This was similar to my first samba (same deal -- right leg started doing its own thing). One of my buddies was having samba troubles a while back and, again, he had a very consistent pattern (temporary loss of control of his trunk and diaphragm).
Is there a tendency for sambas tend to occur in patters (i.e. will person A tend to samba one way more often than not and person B samba another way more often than not)?
Another observation is that after the samba, my breathholds seemed to get a lot easier. This was an accidental discovery since I basically ended my day of diving after the incident, but did shallow dive on the way in. It was done with no breathup while I was slightly winded from a swim and in pretty strong currents and it was still one of the longer dives of the day.