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Dorset Spearfishing 2006

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badlander said:
....i've also never seen bass actively hunting or attacking prey...has anyone else?.i've seen pollock shoot up and take bait fish and actually leap out the water...
I was lucky the other day, there were a lot of good size bass about and all in the same area. The low tide may have concentrated them (& the bait fish). It struck me this week that those were the first bass I have seen off Dorset, despite numerous visits over the last year or so. I actually hit the first one I saw. Planning to visit a few quieter, more obscure spots in the future...may be that's where the bass are.
Quick report. Haven't dived in a feckin' age...Still waiting to see (another) ear specialist and so it's no diving in the mean time.

Ps Flyflicker...cracking avatar!
didnt realise there were so many spearfishermen in Dorset!Where do you all hide!?
Well its all a bit quite and I now why.
Went out yesterday and I can tell you its cold and the viz is shite.
Didn’t see a fish flat or otherwise.
Just a few oysters for a mate of mine and a couple of scallops for me.
Still had a good day and a nice swim with several cups of hot chocolate after.
Same here. Wind, wind and more wind. As the low pressures pass over the wind goes around the compass, so no shelter anywhere. Have managed a dive once a week but only just and have been catching but this weekend looks pants AGAIN!

Local rumour amongst anglers is there have been cod inshore. Aparrently night time and rough weather are good conditions for them. Gonna try to find some shelter for a night dive this weekend with half an eye out for a cod and surprise, surprise, a flatty as well.

Hopefully going to keep diving 'til January mainly at night as this is the red mullet season and squid should be around as well. Plenty of plaice but mainly small and the bigger ones will be off breeding soon. Soles seem to stay later before they offski but haven't been seeing too many of them lately. Not many bass about either but probably that's in part due to having my nose tight to the bottom.

Good Huntin' to all.

Yep,sad state of affairs with no let up in the near future,looks my my spear kit might actually get removed from the car and replaced with my board.My last dive resulted in an empty stringer and a loss of feeling in my toes so i guess it's all for the best,i can start focusing on preparing my kit for next year now though i reckon i run the risk of getting banned from the computer if she catches me perving over new spearguns one more time!
One more thing,regarding torches,could anyone recommend any that they use?....i'm thinking rechargable with a good burn time yet vaguely affordable...The aspect of increasing my dive time next year grows ever more appealing.
Reactions: Mr. X
Turns out spearos are REALLY into torches. You might want to check out the comprehensive discussion thread from last year (it's still active): http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=64145&highlight=spearo+torch
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Nice to see you on Sunday John and although you missed that mullet you did a lot better than Jim or myself, the only thing we managed was to get wet.
Still the Hot Chocolate and Lemon Drizzle Cake after made the trip worth while.
No mate we drove up to the café right up by the Bill, really good cake still picking the sticky stuff out of my teeth.
Ah the Lobster Pot Cafe - it's the best place for a pot of proper tea and a crab sandwich

Good to see you both; You should post the photograph that has the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow!!!
Don't forget the wine to go with the seafood you lot...
Just Bought £260 worth for £129....:friday :friday :friday
Reactions: Mr. X
Has anyone been out around Portland lately - or is the vis too bad with this weather?

Just got a new winter wetsuit and am dying to try it out!!
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