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Dorset Spearfishing 2007

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Dale, at quiet times(the dangers above) you can have a look under the BRNMTH piers as there are bass there on the right state of tide. Also, Studland/Old Harry, Durlston, Tilly Whim, etc. etc. (use the search function)
However, be very careful of the tidal race anywhere along here and again watch out for boat traffic (have a good float/fins). Good luck.
a couple of other options would be hengisbury head - watch out for tide and the anglers - look out for a few reefs just before you get to the head - lots of mullet, few bass and the odd pollock.
Also you have got durley rocks (at durley chine!) about 200 yards off the beach you should see quite a few lobster pot markers which are normally on it.

i not sure if the antlers as mentioned before is the training bank (as the location sounds similar), if so be very careful as i know a diver who was hit by a speedboat whilst spearfishing it.
Good Luck!
Got in with Glowworm yesterday (as he mentioned), forgot my gloves & snorkel, now know for sure why both were invented!

What was in the air over the bank holiday??! I left my speargun behind on my first run to Tilly Whim and had to go back and get it. Also did a trip up to Pembrokeshire without my weight belt! Doh! Have now made a little laminated checklist that I have stuck on my gear tub so I can check before I go. Geeky but necessary for a f*ckwit like me obviously!

Hi Dale - I have done quite a few completely fruitless (should that be fishless?) dive in the Bournemouth area. The piers sometimes hold fish, but very very early am and late pm are the only really viable times to go and they aren't hugely reliable.

The rest of the beach is like the surface of the moon until Hengistbury Head. Poole Harbour round the chain ferry is supposed to fish well, but I've never been as I've been put off by the boat traffic...

The other prob is the viz Bournemouth area is less reliable than the rockier points in Swanage as any swell beats the sand up...

I know it's a trek but the Swanage coast is much fishier...have fun!
Forgot to say - Swanage pier is a very popular dive site, and the dive boat owners in particular don't care much for spearos...a bit of a low profile is definitely key...

But it has good fish mind you!
hi, anyone interested in spearing anywhere in the local area? keen and have experience, next few weeks,
Mullet are fine to eat - cook them as if they were bass, no problem

Hmm - have to disagree there flyflicker - just personal taste of course. I find all the Grey Mullet I have shot pretty unpleasant to eat - some of these have been estuary dwelling - you know how fish take on the taste/smell of the water they have been inhabiting, but also I have also shot true Grey Mullet out in the open water and these have tasted poor IMHO.

On the other hand I always shoot Mullet when I am out in certain areas because strangely they always turn out to have that golden tinge to the gill flap (I always think these are Golden Greys - but perhaps the colouring is influenced by the water/food) and they taste really good - I would say probably the equal of the Bass I catch in the same areas.

Regarding the Golden Grey I have read that this is a different sub-species of Grey Mullet. I actually cannot tell the difference between them when I am in the water - I know there are differences both physically and in colouring but its damn hard to distinguish these under water. I would love it if anyone has any tips on differentiating them whilst out hunting.
I think it is a matter of opinion...BUT. I think quite a few of us here have had plenty of mullet on platters right next to bass and you can hardly taste the difference. In fact I think I am quite happy to have good sized mullet fillets and no bass on a trip. The mullet I have had are granted normally open water but they do get around. I have served up platters with crayfish/lobster/bass/mullet/pollack and there is only lesser amongst that lot, pollack. But even then....a large pollack fillet is quite reasonable too.
I remember the Spearo BBQ at Portland Oceaneering a while back and the mullet were all more than welcome to all the friends and family.
I am a fan of the humble Grey...:friday

edit..you can cut out the dark lateral bit which also makes a big difference to the taste before cooking


Hi James have a look at the above.
Mullet I love um.
Oh good, I seem to have started off a lively debate on tastes of fish, ) still prefer a lobbie myself)
Get the garlic butter out baby.:friday
Now I’ve got dribble all over my keyboard.
Small plaice, filleted and flash fried to make the skin crispy and the flesh juicy. Add salt and eat a mountain of them with fresh white bread and Guernsey butter (NO chips) accompanied by several cups of tea (NO alcohol). Finest meal in the world, says me, but then I suppose it's personal taste.

I have to agree that an open water mullet prepared lovingly is a fine meal.Plaice fillets are among my favourites but i also like monkfish,turbot and red gurnard but it's hard to spear the last 3 while freediving...

All fish is generally good as long as it is fresh,prepared well and shared with friends.
Reactions: Old Man Dave
Big Mac any day...

BTW, speared my first bass of the season yesterday! Flyflicker Willi and I had a lovely day, we even got the boat out and buzzed into Lulworth for an icecream! How civilised!
Dived today but the vis was never more than a meter on the surface but the bottom was a little bit better but still no fish.Lots of green algae in the water and the water temperature was an amazing 12 deg.Maybe the may bloom has come early this year?
Dived today but the vis was never more than a meter on the surface but the bottom was a little bit better but still no fish.Lots of green algae in the water and the water temperature was an amazing 12 deg.Maybe the may bloom has come early this year?
I was wondering about that -- the cloudiness I saw a week ago was white ("milky" - chalky run off?). E. Devon this weekend was green/yellow tho'.
Had a bit of a dip yesterday and ended up with 2 nice Flounder and saw one of those bass that has a 250hp outboard attached to its tail.
Nice day fishable viz. water temp up to 12 degrees and the weed is coming on strong.
Good to see Will and Ben, and bumped into Scottie and his mate who were sporting a very nice boat.
Spring has well and truly sprung happy day’s gents.
Reactions: stuckinsurrey
I guys,had the first spearfishing yesterday in Chesil Beach just dived for 15 min. I coudn't see so much the viz was not more then a metre.So I left.The sea was very nice and calm on the surface but strong and rough 4-5 mt. down.It will be better next week Im sure.
Reactions: Mr. X
Got in with podge yesterday after very leisurely breakfast. I managed a flounder as well. 1 largish bass seen and a couple of mullet, all heading in the opposite direction to me! Bugger! Loads of black/white spotted sea slugs about, surprisingly big! One was sat on a large piece of weed that looked like a bit off lettuce - just like their land loving cousins!

Reactions: podge