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Dorset Spearfishing

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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flyflicker said:
I'm glad you had a good day, I was a little concered that I would get the blame if you had a bad day...
No problems.;) I think I got a really good picture of what to expect from this thread & the forecast. I was desperate to get out & do some spearing no matter what -- my expectations were not high though! I opted to try Chesil despite the warnings as it is relatively convenient & leaves several options open (plus there were loads of mackeral last time I went there -- alas not yesterday though). I actually learnt quite a lot yesterday that will save me time when the water clears!:)

flyflicker said:
at least it shows that Poundbury is a true Dorset village now, with shops closing and too many holiday homes!! :ban
:( Yes, it has been happening all over for decades.
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So Fabio and Marco - how was the weekend in Dorset ? Did you find Mr Branzini ?!

Went in Monday afternoon at Portland Bill , Vis as good as expected 2-3 m , It was my first time in for a few weeks and it was strange to see most of the weed had gone.

No Bass only one mullet about 2.5 lbs for my tea , Must have just caught the end of them for the day , saw about 20 then nothing for the last hour.
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Anybody get out this weekend? Thought the wind would have stirred everything up but it sounds like Jez in South Devon had decent viz. I might try to get out this weekend (although forecast doesn't seem that promising) ... or the one following. Could do with some fresh fish!
Looks like somebody had good viz in Weymouth this week (but no Bass): [ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showpost.php?p=573087&postcount=35"]DeeperBlue Forums - View Single Post - South Devon Report[/ame]
Hoping to spear next Saturday -- conditions permitting. Early start (things on Sat. night & Sunday morning). Any viz this last week? How is the water temperature?
Yeah.. Well I had a close inspection of a leaf boats bum for half a hour as she we out via east ship.. Great..

I will try and make next week. :cool:
Weather is looking promising for Saturday. I was thinking it might be worth trying Portland Bill -- what do you think? Any particular dangers that I should be aware of (I will most likely be diving alone)?

I was also thinking of Ringstead (never been there before) and possibly Weymouth itself (where abouts do you go in Weymouth)?

I was thinking I might try several locations...althought the days are getting awfully short now and I do need to be back early.

I am planning dive with a torch -- a desperate measure to deal with poor viz :(. My 90cm gun is probably over long for Dorset viz recently.
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No spearing for me this weekend afterall. Tore a muscle -- probably from swimming in a cold swimming pool. :( :(
How is the viz? The shoulder seems quite a bit better after a couple of days of anti-inflams.. Might be the last chance before Christmas.
Plenty of bass off the race and some nice pollack - we were rod fishing from a boat! :)

Well done Bryn.. why no go to Poole??????
Almostafish said:
Its not that bad.. Bit Cold though. :cool:
Hi AlmostAFish, where did you get 'not bad' viz? I visited several spots, briefly, including Lulworth, Ringstead Bay & Newton's Cove in Weymouth but I got very poor viz (less than 1m -- literally could not see the end of my spear!:()...although strangely it seemed clearer once you dived down. It was pretty choppy too -- I was feeling queezy by the the end of it! It was near high tide. I did manage to get a few large scallops though :) -- tasty :p. Also saw a lot of lobster pots - no lobsters though :(. However, I was toasty warm in my 5mm bottom-of-the-line Elios suit (11th Dec!). I was hoping to visit the Bill but time ran out. [Tore my muscle again though, loading up the car :naughty ...owch! :(]
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Almostafish said:
Mr X how far do you go out as the good viz for us was 1-1.5k offshore :cool:
Hi AlmostAFish, I have never heard of Poole Pool -- is it a well known spot? I am shore based currently. A 1+ km swim is not out of the question -- but I don't generally swim directly out to sea.
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