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Dorset Spearing 2008

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When you're back, I will have a new torch and no longer have a crustacean problem! Solidarity, brother!
Cheers gent's. I have parked my arse in the executive lounge in Amsterdam airport and am just getting quietly bolloxed on cognac..

I am looking forward to my next dive already! :)
So does this mean that you lot are the rest of the Jackass crowd?? I mean we could try " Spear through the testicles " Or " Kiss from a Jelly fish " Or even " 3m Conger and some poor sod's bits.. "

You tube would probably have some kind of problem with it eh..:crutch

Anyway how's yer tweed breeks then you laird pretender you! :t
I’m not sure which would be more annoying, the itch from the tweed breeks or the 3 foot of steel through the bo**ock.:blackeye
Had a swim with Coops and Stuckinsurrey yesterday and as there was very little wind the usual nutters with sail assisted surfboards didn’t seem to be about so we got in at the S/A.
Water temp in the shallow water was a cool 6 degrees but it warmed up when you got out a bit to a Mediterranean 8 degrees.
Stayed in for around an hour and three quaters before the cold started to bite.

Not to much to show for our efforts as the only fish seen were a couple of Wrasse but we all had just enough Shell’s for tea.
Lovely day with the sun on yer back but bloody cold on entering the water and getting changed afterwards.
See you on Sunday for the Christmas swim.
Good work guys! Doesn't look like there'll be any more diving for me...until Dubai on the 18th! :wave

Nutters! See you on sunday M'Lord...
Well done Podge & Jim

The wind is light and the sea calm, perfect for a night dive tonight - please talk me out of it, or is anyone stupid like me & fancy a dip?
Hehehehe...I remember the cry when we last went in - 'Definately the last night dive of the winter for me - too cold now!'

Well, that lasted all of 2 weeks - will power to match my own! Can't make it unfortunately John. Have a cold (sorry, good) one!
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Twas very chilly when we first got in! nearly turned around and got out, if it wasnt for the fact that i'd just had a wee in my wetsuit and it needed flushing through i'd have been back up the beach!
Twas very chilly when we first got in! nearly turned around and got out, if it wasnt for the fact that i'd just had a wee in my wetsuit and it needed flushing through i'd have been back up the beach!

wee thats does the same for us spearos as readybreak does for kids fair play lads whats the plan for sunday?
Well it's Monday night badminton for me then!!

Ah yes Sunday, I'm sorry there will be no tasty tit-bits from me, I will be up north to Bristol for a birthday meal - dam and blast!
So with Bryn out playing with the oil rigs and both the John’s not able to make it this Sunday, Do we want to defer the Christmas dive for another day?
Clive is busy next Sunday so how about the 28th ? And that will give us all a chance to work some of that Christmas fare out of our systems.
Any thoughts gents??
Sunday was going to be difficult for me, if its defered that would suit me.
I'll go with the flow
Well gents if anybody still fancies it Jim and myself will be down at Sandsfoot for around 1.00pm this Sunday for a quick dip.
Dip in by the S/A this morning, right on low tide - which was nice - chilly 8c in the water, but great vis and shallow water made spotting certain items relatively easy.. No fishy types about, but a very strong off shore wind and one that increased during the dive and made the long swim back even harder.

Enjoy Sunday, I will be in Bristol eye'ing up a few cars to pillage & burn!!
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