Hi Erik,
I can't confirm the easy in which the empty lung static goes but looking at it in total, it is more comfortable. I did use it to get back on track in Ibiza, my static was totally off in the week of the WC. The last two days I did train with empty lungs and it did wonders. Afterwards the feeling for static was completly back.
But I have one question, I do my empty lungs static with 15 reverse packs and ofcourse no hyperventilation, so my lungs are almost completly empty. I prefer doing them in the pool with 2 buddies for safety. I haven't tried doing it with a normal exhail and I can't read you using the reverse packs. What difference will there be, theoretically speaken. (not in time, but more on the medicalside).
We sometimes do the empty lungs static (with the reversed packs) on the bottom of the pool (4m - 12feet), just to get used to the pressure. This is one of my favourite ones, sadly after a minut of bottomtime I need to get back up.
Greetings and keep breathing,
'mad' Pim
(my nickname slowly submerged from the fact that I'm the only one in our group that like's doing empty lungs static)
I can't confirm the easy in which the empty lung static goes but looking at it in total, it is more comfortable. I did use it to get back on track in Ibiza, my static was totally off in the week of the WC. The last two days I did train with empty lungs and it did wonders. Afterwards the feeling for static was completly back.
But I have one question, I do my empty lungs static with 15 reverse packs and ofcourse no hyperventilation, so my lungs are almost completly empty. I prefer doing them in the pool with 2 buddies for safety. I haven't tried doing it with a normal exhail and I can't read you using the reverse packs. What difference will there be, theoretically speaken. (not in time, but more on the medicalside).
We sometimes do the empty lungs static (with the reversed packs) on the bottom of the pool (4m - 12feet), just to get used to the pressure. This is one of my favourite ones, sadly after a minut of bottomtime I need to get back up.
Greetings and keep breathing,
'mad' Pim
(my nickname slowly submerged from the fact that I'm the only one in our group that like's doing empty lungs static)