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favorite trigger mech?

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Aug 26, 2001
ok guys! i need to know what is everyone's favorite trigger mechanisms! and, which one have you tried? don't just list one if that's the only one you've pulled the trigger on, please/thank you. :D

list away, por favor! :cool:
Yo Chief,

I like Riffe trigger best. I tried Steve Alexander trigger on a Collins but only under 10 shots, so can't really say much yet but I bet it must be just as good.

A good trigger in my opinion must be consisten in the pulling effort even when loaded with 2 or up to 4 bands. More accurately up to at least 440 pounds of rubber pressure. 4 x 5/8" rubbers is about that kind of pressure.

What I like about Riffe trigger is that there is almost no obvious extra resistance in the pull even when loaded to 440 pounds of rubber, this must be a very unique design. How the hell did Jay Riffe make such a fine trigger unit ?

I didn't get the chance to load Steve Alex trigger to this high loading. I know it is built to take like 8 bands or so and it is world famous, no doubt. It look very solid too. I will rate it as good as the Riffe for the time being. Don't bash me guys.....

It is difficult to judge a favourite trigger because some units are fine when using their own original rubbers and in original intended quantity. Like the JBL is quite OK but when you upgrade to better rubber like the Riffe's, it undergone a sudden personality change.

Speargun rubbers directly effect the performance of the trigger pull, reliability & service life. So are you asking us as in :

01. Trigger loaded with bands as per factory basic set up ?
02. Trigger loaded with bands as however nut-case we like it ?

He he he.......


:naughty :naughty
i wish riffe had a more comfortable handle. :(

i wonder if i can rig an aim-rite or an alexander handle on a riffe? :confused:

thanks iya
an opinion?? me?

Snail boy,

In my quest for parts to make my ideal gun, I'd opt for an Alexander with one of Jay's units a ridiculously close second. I've got an Alexander on my hybrid and my homemade wonder-in-progress, and they're just a lot better made, and of better materials than the Aimrites. Aimrites are used and advertised on/with Wongs and though they won't corrode, let's face it...they're plastic. :naughty

I haven't dicked around with a Kitto much, though I do like his tri cut breakaway tips. If his triggers are anywhere close to the finish on the plank of his I saw, forget it- it looked like he put the epoxy on with a brick. The nice thing about the Alexanders are that they're kinda modular, in that you mill out the recess in the stock and slide that bad boy in, no muss , no 27" hole to drill. Same is true for the Riffe and they're available Stateside from his daughters :inlove That'd make me give the Riffe the nod, though I'll cop to not being the biggest fan of the handle either. I have an Alexander handle assy on my homegrown and it feels pretty decent for my paw. The release, the handle and the trigger are all available from Sterling.

The JBL's just freeze after you overload them, and the safety's have always been their weakpoint, even when they were made of good stainless. Pass on 'em.

The idea of a euro muzzle and a US style mid handle is interesting, especially in light of the shaft alignment problems we're going on about in the other thread. But then again, you're just making a Yakooji, and what's your time worth?, though I can think of a lot worse ways to wittle away some time away from the new slam. :p

Riffe Handle


Now that you mentioned about the pistol grip/handle of the Riffe, you are right. This is my first impression, it is not that comfortable. I always thought that since my Asian hand is small, I suppose the Riffe handle is made for American size, I mean Jay Riffe is not a small size guy. I think it is a little too long and not "Chubby" enough. I like the JBL feel of the handle better.

Sultan - I think Kitto trigger should be great, at least as per the photo available at their www. I like the housing being thick and they claimed the pin is very strong. As per the sweet release, I don't know, I don't own any Kitto and I will never buy them anyway cause I hate thick teak stock, they swing lousy. I tried the sub 50" Collins and the stock is so thick I thought I was dragging a telephone pole. This is my personal opinion cause I rather live with heavy recoil than high swinging resistance. I read that the Aimrite trigger is plastic and I agree with you a 100% that no matter what kind of great space age plastic, plastic is plastic. With the contact surface area of a trigger and high loading on the pins, I will never-never rely on plastic-Thank you.

JBL is not worth looking, but the longest Woody Magnum is dangerous. It uses the brown plastic pistol grip which as a whole is also the trigger housing. The pin that holds the trigger sear after frequent use and usually after 2 years or above will damage its seating position on that brown plastic material. Now they come with black plastic, I do not know if the plastic material is
improved. The first thing u need to wach is where the shooting line release is ( right side ), that is where the pin is located (internally ). A whitish discolouration will appear, this is the sign of the brown plastic material giving up. Take a small screw driver and play with the white discoloration....abracadabra...... the plastic will come off and you will see the round end of the pin. I already spot 6 failures on my friends gun, fortunately I discovered in time on first gun occurence and new pistol grips were purchased, no accident so far. Wheeeeewww God bless my gang.

hi guys

I have a rob allen and love the guns but I will say that the trigger mech is shit one on my 110 almost killed my brother when it broke down when I was swimming along relesing the spear

Don't feel bad about ur RA trigger. I heard it is a great shooting unit overall. As far as trigger in concerned, if it were to match up say to a Steve Alexander or A Riffe, I bet RA need to retail at an extra US$45.00 each gun just to allow a beefed up trigger unit installed. Anyway the initial design of RA was single rubber and now the maxed out at 16mm x 2, so they said.

You are not the only one ( I read on forums ) with a problem of self-firing at 16mm+20mm rubbers, especially if they are shorter than usual. I hope you did not mess with the trigger sears. I did, twice on a JBL and once on a Scubapro pneumatic. I was
"smoothing" out the friction edges of the sears hoping for a sweet release. One of the JBL worked well and the other was so sweet, it self-fired. The same with the pneumatic.

It is a good thing u point this out and see what RA or the US/Australian rep has to say. As a customer you have the right to point it out. As a possible future buyer/s the rest need to know too. RA doesn't reccomend above 16mmx 2 rubber pressure, but I wonder if they stated that in the manual. If they don't, that means it's not entirely ur fault if the rubber slot can actually take whatever rubber diameter and quantity u can install. You will probably think it is OK to do so, anyone would think the same.

I checked with Riffe once. I wanted to use 5x14mm rubbers on my Standard # 2, cause I already have 4 and with muzzle re-inforcement. I thought I wanted to experiment. The slot won't fit but I know how to make it fit when loading. They told me not to do it because the teak stock won't handle that kind of pressure, even though the trigger will do it easy. So, naturaly I listened to them and buy a thicker teak stock-ed Standard #4.

If I were you I would keep it at 16mm x 2 rubbers max and make sure no one is within ur shooting range if ur gun is loaded. However, if I think of total safety I will not have a piece of mind even with 16mm x 2 because if ur 20mm+16mm can blow a trigger sear, the safety margin is just too little. Anyway I will still get an RA if I sorted out the importation bitches...., need 2 know for myself what kind of pressure will the trigger blow apart at and why are they so "popular"

I would generaly feel comfortable to load a gun to no more than 60-75% of its rated trigger capacity, they wear off u know, not that they get any stronger after each shot.

Plain and simple example will be the SCUBA tank, they deal with lethal air pressure. Ur gun accidentaly shooting ur brother is also lethal. A typical scuba tank is rated at 3000 pis/200 bar. The safety burst disc blow at about +-10% extra pressure. The hydro static testing ( per 3-5 years ) on these tanks are at +-5000 psi. Tank expansion is measured, if it expands beyond "safe" limit, it gets destroyed to prevent further circulation. So the safety margin is quite high. New testing method uses Eddy current device because supposedly an older aluminum alloy 6351 has a weakness inherent in the metal itself called : sustained-load cracking (SLC). Some 0.4 - 1% of total cylinders made with 6351 alloy has this problem. Yes, a few explosion worldwide been reported, some have caused deaths.

Speargun manufacturers do not get regulated like high pressure tank manufacturers. In the US.,Department of Transport will make sure Luxfer or the sort design and build those high pressure tanks properly. Many of these cylinders survived over 20 years of use, thus come to think about it, they are damn robust.

For our trigger case we need to consult with the manufacturer rather than trial and error, IF the speargun manufacturer does not provide enough technical data. The trend is always higher power, more range, more penetration and more accuracy. If any speargun manufacturer does not improve their trigger along with the extra power/rubber option they are selling, you need to be more careful, I would.

Stay Safe and point that speartip away from anyone,


you are right about the trigger mech on rob allen I had my 1 20m and 1 16mm fairly short but I thought it would hold it and when I did this I had never heard about how much tension the RA trigger could hold, I still love the guns and I have ordered another one I guess i will leave this one with 2 16mm rubbers, im sure someone said that the RA trigger is the same as the picasso triggers is this true, the ultimate gun for me would be my 1.5m rob allen with a stealth trigger mech

ra trigger good!

why do you people change the gun . or ask reps. to change the gun. The RA is made for one 16mmrubber and 6.5mm shaft works perfect if you give it your time to learn how to fish properly.
I have no trigger problems, no nothing and catch everything I want. One must however hold the gun perfectly stable and strait.
As I have been mentioning in mails for the past six months :
(white with grey )

You mentioned that you swopped your RA's handle - if I remember correctly you said it had a Picasso, and you swopped for a Omer ....

tell us a bit more - there's a lot of poking going on into my favourite gun at the moment, most of it being aimed at the handle / trigger mech. How much load can the Omer trigger handle??
Why we want more

I agree that the single 16mm & 6.5mm setup is excellent. thats the setup that i use most often with my RA. its great for fish up to a certain size. the crunch comes when one wants to use the gun for realy big fish like tuna.
I may be doing some tuna hunting in december, and if i can find a way to upgrade my existing gun so that it can handle the tuna, then isnt it worth looking at?

Another very good grip that I haven't seen on the market for a while (past 10 years ) is the Arc ...I think it was the Arc 2000 .
Also don't discount the old Cavalero Arbalete Champion
Cavalero Arbalete Champion

Abri, is that the handle that Jack Lugg uses on his spearguns?
Originally posted by Abriapnea
Also don't discount the old Cavalero Arbalete Champion

Right. Don't discount it, discard it! :hmm

Take a long look at the OMER as it'll probably fit with the least bitchin and moaning, and I've an aquaintance that has rigged his with a pair of 20 mm's with no sweat and a smooth trigger release.

Anybody here seen and used Bill Kitto's Millenium triggers?

Griff , here is my honey .She's a 145 rail with twin sixteens .
PLEASE Sven ,no sexual innuendo:naughty
With this kind of setup any size fish is within reach .I have speared marlin , sailfish , doggies and wahoo between 30 and 90 kg. with this gun , no-one should need any more load than this .


  • picture 007 copy.pdf
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Hi Abri, from the picture it looks like your spear is shorter than standard, no pun intended.
isnt the standard spear for a 1.4 around 1.8m? yours looks like it's one size down. if i'm right, then what made you change, and does it work? i was thinking of doing the same when i get my next spear. go for a size smaller, but maybe get a 7.5mm instead.

shot for all the info

Griff ,
Size is NOT everything:eek:
My first RA railgun (1991) had a hefty overhang , didn't like it .Purely subjective opinion that the short overhang improves my accuracy .
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Yeah Griff , Lugg uses them on his guns . I bought one in 1984 , the gun is long gone , but am still using the grip .
It's easy to disassemble and clean , parts are easy to machine and as long as you dont throw the gun around will give you years of service .
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