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Favorite Water Hero

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New Member
Sep 9, 2007
Who is your favorite water hero?

I have two:
Jett Overall, the tubby water ninja.
John Harper. John Harper was an old man that sailed on the Titanic; he was one of those asked to get on a life raft. His new traveling buddy was a young man, so he had to stay behind. John got off the life boat because the friend was not saved. The two of them spent the night in the frozen water. John died that night, but not before his friend accepted Jesus Christ. He thought that is was more important to die than to let his friend die unsaved. That is a powerful commitment from one human being to another.

PS Have you ever noticed that die is in dive?
Does Aquaman count? :)

Kevin Costner as Mariner? :D

There ain't too much water heroes these days...
I was definitely marked for life when I was 6 (in 1968) by the Russian film The Amphibian Man. You can only realize how strong it had to be if you understand that in 1968, after the Soviet army invaded us (I mean Czechoslovakia), we all absolutely hated everything Russian, and could not stand all those Soviet films we were permanently fed and brain-washed with. Surprisingly, this film, although Soviet, totally bewitched me, and possibly is at the root of my obsession with diving (or was it vice versa, and I liked it just because I was already pre-programmed to be an aquatic person?).

I never saw it again since that time, but for years it represented the strongest cinema experience for me. I know I can find it now on a DVD, and there is even a more modern series inspired by it, but I hesitate ordering them - afraid of destroying the good memories.

... and of course, then it was "le commandant Cousteau" - I could not miss any of his documentaries when I was a kid
I was definitely marked for life when I was 6 (in 1968) by the Russian film The Amphibian Man. You can only realize how strong it had to be if you understand that in 1968, after the Soviet army invaded us (I mean Czechoslovakia), we all absolutely hated everything Russian, and could not stand all those Soviet films we were permanently fed and brain-washed with. Surprisingly, this film, although Soviet, totally bewitched me, and possibly is at the root of my obsession with diving (or was it vice versa, and I liked it just because I was already pre-programmed to be an aquatic person?).

I never saw it again since that time, but for years it represented the strongest cinema experience for me. I know I can find it now on a DVD, and there is even a more modern series inspired by it, but I hesitate ordering them - afraid of destroying the good memories.

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Excellent, I will try to get a copy.
My favourite waterhero.... Steve Zissou by far without the slightest doubt.
Commander Lionel “Buster” Crabb a real life James Bond,

and Earnest Shackleton (a real hero)
& Jaques Cousteau, of course:cool:
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The Creature From The Black Lagoon ofcourse! :inlove

Here he's runnin' off with some fine young lady AND talkin' on his cell phone...He's a multi-tasker...plus he likes to freedive and has awesome breath-hold abilities...He's so cool.

Hero no...But a pretty cool villain though!
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US Navy Seals!


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Sandy Ricks, luckiest kid ever! HE got to hang out with flipper, who didn't want to be him! :)

And Mike Nelson!

I remember as a kid sometime in the 80's going to Silver Springs and all the stuff they talked about was the original Tarzan movies (late 30's) and Sea Hunt (70's) being filmed there. Those glass bottom boats are what made me want to dive.
Stephan Whalen of DeeperBlue. :)
The man from Atlantis - I read 2 books in the series when I was 7 or so, might have subconsciously driven me into freediving.
Also Jessica Alba in 'into the blue'.... (but what a crappy movie)
Hero?? Got to be Bob Tomb. Surfer extraordinare, well known board maker back in the day, Bahamas cruiser, super diver and one of the most graceful human beings I ever saw. Diving with him was like being in a Baryshnikov ballet. The man knows how to live.

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