I expect your existing fins are pretty good.
I've used Beuchat mundial competition fins for years and find them comfortable, reliable and robust. I have 2 pairs now.
I broke a much painted and repainted fin in extreme conditions once and then only because I had not replaced a fin blade clip, which are available in the Beuchat blade fitting kit. I opted to buy a new pair of kelp brown blades and keep the old, painted blue blade as a spare. A little OTT but I bought a spare pair of fins too - don't want to be caught without fins again!
I've seen it opined that Beuchat footpockets are good for long, thin feet but my feet are broad and stocky, so my conclusion is that they suit most foot types.
I believe you can now get fibre glass, camo and/or carbon fibre blades for them but quite pricey. Check availability yourself though. Might be cheaper to buy complete fins with carbon/ camo blades already fitted.
Omer footpockets are well regarded with good availability of alternative blades I believe - but again check for yourself. I hope they get their ice blades sorted out - transparent blades!
Not sure about Spetton, Picasso, Epsealon and Mares, their names crop up though. Is there a company called Nemo too?
Spearo YouTuber Daniel Man has a video about his favoured fin company DiveR. They talk about the footpockets they prefer to use with their blades, I forget the make and model but probably worth checking out.