After thinking about the issue for a while I contacted Dan at Pursuit directly and asked his opinion of f/ps. His idea was that my 44-46 Dessault f/ps were to big, despite being the same size as my Omers, Picassos and Spettons (which are all the right size). By going down a size to 42-44 I should get a much better result without the fin keepers I need for the 44-46.
I went ahead and ordered them over the weekend. I got them Thursday, and immediately installed my SpecialFins medium fiberglass blades. I tried them out in the pool last night. It is really an awesome combination. Lots of power, smooth flex, and no flat spot transitioning from soft kick to hard. In other words they work!
Now I just need to wait till I arrive on Kauai Friday to really put them to the test ; )
So, my vote goes for Dessasults