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First Freediving Mask question

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Mud Puddle Diver
May 20, 2002
Hey I'm having problems with my first mask, sporasub samurai, it continues to fog up. I'm using Sea Gold anit fog and even good old spit. It does nothing at all to solve my fogging problem. I'm beginning my adventure into freedive in a place with low viz a foggy mask doesn't help me. LOL

Please Help anyone. :confused:
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no prob.

Here's the deal on the new mask fog bit...

Take a clean rag and wet it with acetone or white gas from the lantern. Wipe it on the glass, both sides as well as the inside of the rubber skirt and wash well with dish soap and water. Dry and off you go.

The release agents on the rubber and silicones of the mask's skirt often find their way onto the glass and they'll best come off with a quick solvent wipe. Otherwise, you'll play Hell trying to keep them clear. This way, you'll need no anti fog, at all. Ever.

Bill and I use kelp too. :king

Re: no prob.

Originally posted by icarus pacific
Bill and I use kelp too. :king


see, kelp's not just for lube! :D

blade(happy bday, by the way), aquiles and i use plain toothpaste on our masks. apply aggressively w/ a terry cloth as well. acetone might be quicker, but if you don't have it, toothpaste works fine. :cool:

Hey thank you so much Sven!!!

I just wish I didn't have to work tomorrow!! :(

and I don't have to worry about it damaging skirt or anything with the acetone?

Blade Out:cool:

Thanks for the tip sven I was having the same problem with my brand new abyss.

s'what I'm here for...

That's what the karma button's for kids!

The acetone will vaporize fast enough so you'll not need to sweat damaging the rubber, just don't bathe the rag in the stuff, and when you're done, get the rag under the water to lessen the possible ignition thing from making the front pages...

sven, did your exuberant karma power blind out my post? for some reason i thought i even wished the kid a happy birthday. :confused:

guess i'll go mope back in the hunting section. :eek:

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Thank You for the Happy B-day Anderson. I don't have any Acetone but I think I can visit my dad I think he has some he uses for his wood work.

I have a little story to tell you about me getting my first freediving suit. well I finally had the money to buy the Beuchat Mundial prestige but the only place I could get it was from England.
The one I wanted wasn't available in the states. To make a long story short, I got the suit Friday and there was no way I was going to bed with trying it on. Well as I struggled to get the top on, all I could think is didn't they say the new coating made it easier to get it on and off. Well once I got it on, the first time in my life I was scared in being in a tight spot. well in rush to get out of the thing I got stuck and had to call on my dependable younger brother to drive over and pull me out of thing.

well just say I figured out that baby powder can be used for other things other than baby bums and that a beaver flap thrown over your shoulder is a great escape tool. LOL

I can now hear people falling out of there computer chairs from laughing to hard!!!;)

Ha Ha

Blade OUT

mind you we've ALL had a similar experience. ;) most just won't admit it. :D

i tried my omer 5mm superstretch on one morning for the first time and didn't think i was going to make it to work. sven and octo just laugh at me when i'm getting in and out of it. i'd imagine some are easier than others, but none are "easy". ;)

check out elios's website . they have a great tutorial on how to don suits.

good luck,
What does blowing in the cuff do once you have the top on?

Blade Out
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does this look erect?

it makes your wrist stiff...;)

Actually the cuff blowing thing is to allow a little room to adjust the seam along your arm so the sleeve isn't twisted. Go the route of using watered-down hair conditioner, it's a great deal easier on you and the suit to slip it on rather than pull it on with talc or hope. Just take your time to align the seams and curves up before you go for final plunge into the thing. That'l save you from the cuff blowing thing. 'Course if she's cute...:cool: And while the beaver tail can be a great pull toy, make sure you grab the base of it where it attaches to he jacket, not the bitter end. That will hasten your trip to the threads to learn how to glue suits.

I wasn't making fun of Anderson so much as I was holding Aaron back... :t

Hey I know this is getting off the subject but I had alittle question about weighting. My new suit is 5.5mm and so I just started off with 12 pounds but I only float in the water up to my chin and when I exhale completely I drop down in the to where it is level with the top of my head. I see the people on tv and on the net floating in the water up to the top of their shoulders. Is it just because I'm in fresh water and will use less weight?

Oh another thing how do wetsuits react to being used in pools and if I use one in a pool what's the best way to care for the suit afterwards. I don't have alot of money to buy new gear all the time so I have take the best care of the gear that I have now.

BladeRunner OUT
A...you sounded so sad:( that
i hooked you up! Now quit moping!:D
hooked up? thanks rig. not moping anymore, just hoping the acetone thing works. ;) just cleaned a handful of masks for my freediving club and will see what everyone thinks. :cool:


the chlorine in the pool is not what hurts the suit. it's what happens when the chlorine dries ON the suit. just make sure you flush it w/ fresh water and you're fine. (i think the chlorine wisdom came from bill on another post.)

about weights, it all depends what depth you're working at. i like to be neutral at 40% of my depth. others like it different.

good luck,
moping pansy...

6 masks and the guy's wanking??! I thought I hated doing dishes... that must have taken some toothpaste! :D

Yep, the chlorine will kill a suit faster than any salt water and french roast mix. A good douche with fresh water and a good hanger to spread the suits stresses out of the Sun and you're stylin'.

On the weight thing, if you intend to dive at 20 feet mostly, weight yourself for that depth, if you like being heavy, add a 1/2 pound for that depth, less if you see yourself needing to go deeper. You want to be comfortable and at the right attitude for the depth you'll be working in the majority of the time. It sounds like you might be a tad heavy but it's a good place to start.

HEY Anderson who makes those masks, what are they and where can i can get one with Black skirt and grey frame at? Those bad boys look squared away.

Hey Rig what did you hook him up with?
that's a black and white photo, the masks are all cressi superocchio. they come in black, yellow, or blue frames. they're practically the same mask as the sporasub samauri's and the mares target. got em at diveinn a while back when they owed me a few favors. ;)

db's cressi fanatic
That's really a good black and white photo,it's really crisp and clear for a black and white.

what kind snorkels do you have in the photos?

How did the Acetone work out for you Anderson?

BladeRunner OUT
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