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First Pole Spear.

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Rock on. Any good spots on the east side? I hit a few fish today. A couple of surgeon fish, a parrot fish as well as a couple i dont know the names for.
Anyone use a Fold Spear? I plan to try spearing out as well when I get to do some diving, but can't really do much here, so would need to travel with it. Would this be an ok spear to start out with? It looks great to put in my backpack with my other basic gear.
I had the chance to make it over to where Monchan lives in Tottori, Japan. He was a gracious host and was very nice to teach me a few things. He also volunteered some of his spare tubing to make some mods to my JBL 6' Travel Spear.

We borrowed a few suggestions that Killer Tuna made here, and on another forum. We changed the tubing to 1/2" OD 1/4" ID that Aaron Crist uses. It made a huge difference in the spear's speed. We used 28", which might have been a little too short for the amount of pull needed to load the band. I'm afraid that it might bend the shaft if I load it up fully. So, I might keep that band for use with the spear set at 4' length (for use in the tetrapods) and make a longer band for the 6' length. Since we didn't have a lot of time or a drill press handy, we didn't drill any holes in the cap. We just folded a small piece of band (about 2") that held without any problem. I thought it was a decent compromise.

We also used self-amalgamating electrical tape to make a grip.

After these changes, I'll definitely continue using and learning with my JBL. If I stick with this, I'm sure I'll upgrade to something faster and longer in the future. I agree with others that it's probably not worth investing a lot in the spear other than improving the bands and the band attachment at the cap.


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We used 28", which might have been a little too short for the amount of pull needed to load the band. I'm afraid that it might bend the shaft if I load it up fully.

That pole seems strong enough, If your worried about it wrap the band around the shaft as you load it, like I do. Mine is a lot thinner and longer than yours (pole spear that is) and increase the pull each time you think its safe.

That JBL is a lot better with better bands, the two methods obove would make a world of difference to the JBL. That double band would be great for the orginal rubber weak shit that it is. Or a single band with good rubber, such as what powers the CRIST SPEARS.
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Anyone use a Fold Spear? I plan to try spearing out as well when I get to do some diving, but can't really do much here, so would need to travel with it. Would this be an ok spear to start out with? It looks great to put in my backpack with my other basic gear.

they are great. i use a speargun but bring a foldspear with me when i travel, handy thigh holster too :)
I'm pretty new to spear fishing of any kind and just got a pole spear the other day. I purchased the cheapest one I could find, a 6' wooden spear with a three prong tip ($35 for spear, $18 for tip). I just dive off the jetties here in Newport Beach and so far it's worked great, of the two trips I've taken I've caught 5 fish and haven't missed a fish yet. Nothing huge, sea bass about 30" long (don't know how much they weigh, I would estimate in the range of 8-12 lbs). I would say for a person like you (similar to me) going out and buying a fancy spear probably won't make a huge difference in your enjoyment or success.
Nice work. I agree about not modigying the JBL, but that goes for any spear. If you want better, buy better, I think. JBL is great for what is, but light years away from a Gat-Ku (and half the price). Monchan is right about wrapping the band up. 1/2" rubber won't hurt that thing; the JBL is pretty stiff.

Here in Okinawa you need range and lightning speed. I tested my 10' Gat-Ku and got an average of 80' per second over 10'. That's from a dead stop, so assuming linear acceleration, v-max is probably somewhere near 160' per second when it hits the fish. A couple weeks back, I shot a mullet in the 6-8 pound range that was about 8' away from the tip of the spear and it burried itself all the way to the hand grip!
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