I have a great recipe that I am sure everyone will love - It is the way I eat all my fish & it is SOOO easy mate! You will find that this works on almost all fish species!!!
Prep Your Catch
Prepare your fish properly. Don't bother about gutting or scaling the fish just fillet it & then skin it. If you are not very good at fillet & skinning maybe you should learn. When you have your skinned fillets make sure you cut out any dark spots or blood lines in the flesh, this is very important when using salmon, also cut out any bones. Then cut your fillets into chunks, it doesn't really matter the size, however smaller pieces will cook faster, generally I cut them into 2cm strips. With big fillets cut the fillet in half long ways before cutting the chunks.
Heat your Oil
Heat oil in a deep fryer to 180C, if you don't have a deep fryer get the biggest pot you can & 1/4 fill it with oil (could be as much as 1.5 Litres of oil - but don't worry you can re-use the oil) & put your heat on about 1/2 (be very careful if you are just using a pot as you can do lots of damage if the oil overflows, also its getting a little too hot if it starts to smoke).
Prep Your Batter
OK now you need to prepare your batter. This is easy:
1 Just get a bowl & put in some self raising flour (for one or two fish about a cup will be heaps) If you don't have any self raising flour you can use plain flour & just add 1 tsp of bi-carb soda or baking powder per cup of flour - this makes self raising flour.
2 Add a healthy shake of ALL-PURPOSE-SEASONING (about 1 teaspoon), if you don't have any use salt & some dried herbs or something, anything that's tastes good.
3 Get a whisk & start pouring in a bit of water, add enough water till you get a nice consistency. You want it to be a bit runnier than a runny honey (sorry :-\) If you add too much water you can always add more flour.
Prep Your Chips
Real hard lads, just grab a couple of spuds & cut 'em in fat chunky wedges, don't even bother peeling them, although if they are the dirty spuds do wash/scrub them :
Cook Your Meal
Make sure your oil is hot, if your using a deep fryer the thermostat will tell when its OK but if your using a pot a good way to test is to hold onto one of your chips & dip it into the oil a bit, if it immediately starts to bubble & fry then all is good.
First put your chips in & allow 'em to cook for about 5 minutes, till light golden. When your chips are light golden you can start adding your fish, all you have to do is chuck your fish bits into the batter & mix 'em around a bit. Then add the fish bits to the hot oil one at a time, making sure that you wave the fish bits in the oil a bit before letting go (this will make sure they don't stick to the bottom). Give your fish about 3-4 minutes & your sweet mate ;D Scoop out your fish 'n' chips straight into your plate/bowl.
Eat Your Meal
Just add salt & eat. You can add lemon if you like or even dip in a bit of mayo mmmmmmmmmm
You will love fish done this way & you will find yourself eating fish that until now you didn't even like! The fish I have eaten cooked this way include: Red Morwong, Banded Morwong, Blue Morwong, Silver Trumpeter, Black Drummer, Blackfish (Luderick) & Salmon mmmmmm*
Prep Your Catch
Prepare your fish properly. Don't bother about gutting or scaling the fish just fillet it & then skin it. If you are not very good at fillet & skinning maybe you should learn. When you have your skinned fillets make sure you cut out any dark spots or blood lines in the flesh, this is very important when using salmon, also cut out any bones. Then cut your fillets into chunks, it doesn't really matter the size, however smaller pieces will cook faster, generally I cut them into 2cm strips. With big fillets cut the fillet in half long ways before cutting the chunks.
Heat your Oil
Heat oil in a deep fryer to 180C, if you don't have a deep fryer get the biggest pot you can & 1/4 fill it with oil (could be as much as 1.5 Litres of oil - but don't worry you can re-use the oil) & put your heat on about 1/2 (be very careful if you are just using a pot as you can do lots of damage if the oil overflows, also its getting a little too hot if it starts to smoke).
Prep Your Batter
OK now you need to prepare your batter. This is easy:
1 Just get a bowl & put in some self raising flour (for one or two fish about a cup will be heaps) If you don't have any self raising flour you can use plain flour & just add 1 tsp of bi-carb soda or baking powder per cup of flour - this makes self raising flour.
2 Add a healthy shake of ALL-PURPOSE-SEASONING (about 1 teaspoon), if you don't have any use salt & some dried herbs or something, anything that's tastes good.
3 Get a whisk & start pouring in a bit of water, add enough water till you get a nice consistency. You want it to be a bit runnier than a runny honey (sorry :-\) If you add too much water you can always add more flour.
Prep Your Chips
Real hard lads, just grab a couple of spuds & cut 'em in fat chunky wedges, don't even bother peeling them, although if they are the dirty spuds do wash/scrub them :
Cook Your Meal
Make sure your oil is hot, if your using a deep fryer the thermostat will tell when its OK but if your using a pot a good way to test is to hold onto one of your chips & dip it into the oil a bit, if it immediately starts to bubble & fry then all is good.
First put your chips in & allow 'em to cook for about 5 minutes, till light golden. When your chips are light golden you can start adding your fish, all you have to do is chuck your fish bits into the batter & mix 'em around a bit. Then add the fish bits to the hot oil one at a time, making sure that you wave the fish bits in the oil a bit before letting go (this will make sure they don't stick to the bottom). Give your fish about 3-4 minutes & your sweet mate ;D Scoop out your fish 'n' chips straight into your plate/bowl.
Eat Your Meal
Just add salt & eat. You can add lemon if you like or even dip in a bit of mayo mmmmmmmmmm
You will love fish done this way & you will find yourself eating fish that until now you didn't even like! The fish I have eaten cooked this way include: Red Morwong, Banded Morwong, Blue Morwong, Silver Trumpeter, Black Drummer, Blackfish (Luderick) & Salmon mmmmmm*