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For All Euro Spearos

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As a ``maniac`` dentex hunter myself, i have to disagree about the amount of time you have to wait for the fish (aspetto) to come. If a dentex is willing ,it will take less than 30 seconds to approach you. If not so ,its useless to stay and wait longer.
I`ve speared large dentexs (6-9 kilos) ,with 15sec aspetto`s ,at depths between 10 to 25 meters...

As someone already said, dentex are really syspicius, but they are very aggresive and curious too...And they dont tolerate invaders in their area. So we play a ``victim`` kinda aspetto style, and they`re rushing towards us.

And they taste really really good...

As for the spearo in the photo, he`s an Italian champ, but i cant remember his name...

PS...Mazzari has the unnoficial Europe record ,with a 19kilo dentex...
Hey litlejohn,

I really like to find dentex in 10 meters. How do you find them in shallow water? When? What type of environment?
15 second aspetto at 38 metres is still a bit hardcore!!!!!!!!!!!

Then you have to shoot and play the fish a bit on the way up. That is awesome in my books.
30m+ aspetto is purely difficult for any spero in my book too.
Murat...The best season for dentex is somewhere between mid-April to late September..At that time dentex ,returns from deep waters to lay their eggs at the shallows (10 to 40meters)...It`s possible thought to have encounters with really large dentexs ,during winter time (Octomber to February)...
Dentex mostly likes ,reefs, stip rock formations etc...Usually you could tell if a herd of dentexs is within an area, by the behaviour of small fish (i.e sardines). They get really jumpy and they do sudden bursts in every direction...Observing better how small fish behave, you can also guess the direction and the depth ,were dentexs are coming from...Late in the afternoon is the best time of the day, for hunting dentex.

Here`s a large dentex ,attracted by aspetto...


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Reactions: OceanSwimmer
And the outcome...

Both images are courtesy of Kwsths Mammashs..He`s one of the best spearos in Greece...


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Reactions: Murat
Those are not the same guns. The second pic only has a circular band and the first has not.

Nice pics though!!!!
Thanks shane...

I saw those pics. somewhere but couldn't remembered now...
Hello LittleJohn,
Thanx for the explanations and pictures..
When you are waiting for dentex at the bottom,do you make any noise or another thing to attract the dentex??
Hello LittleJohn,
Thanx for your explanations and pictures..
When are you waiting for dentex ,when you reach at the bottom do you make any noise or any movement to attact them...
I tried some noisy and silent aspettos at my last trip. In my opinion, big breams and dentex respond better to silent ones.
Aydun...Noisy aspetto ,does work with dentex. When i get into aspetto position, i always let some bubbles from my mouth, and sometimes i even make clapping sounds with the back of my tongue...One thing to look after thought, is your view. Lower you view and never look a dentex straight up. Eye to eye contact, makes dentexs really jumpy...

Noisy aspetto , works pretty good with large breams and some big pelagics, like amberjacks and wahoos...

Here`s my yesterdays catch. I went for dentex but instead i speared a large bream (1,7 kilo ) and a 6 kilo pelagic (i dont know its english name). We call it gofari, and it`s in the same family with amberjacks...
Both fish taken with noisy aspetto. Pelagic caught at 15 meters and 30sec minute aspetto. And the large bream caught at 26 meters with 1 minute aspetto...


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Nice fish john

WHat gun are you using?

What is the Latin name for that fish? I am going to check on fishbase. It looks like an "Anjova" but not quite sure if it or not.
After seeing that pic. I should better keep up doing noisy aspettos
Its Bluefish, I think.
with the latin name.... Pomatomus saltatrix

Its another specie different from aj...
that one is a popular rod&reel fish in our waters, especially in north eagean, it is a rare to see one as well.
Thanks for the info Memo...That`s the fish for sure...

Shaneshac...I have a small arsenal of spearguns (i`m a collector too), but mostly i use rabitechs stealt carbons 90 and 120 and
Rayos plus and Rayos x-act, 60 to 110...

I speared both fish with a stealth 90...
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