This is a touchy subject!
The movie was very bad, to put it lightly, but there were problems other than that simple fact. It gives a highly inaccurate view of the sport (depicting the sport in a very bad light).
In fact, in real life, Kelly, one of the worlds volunteers on the barge who fell in love with the sport after watching the competition, said that if she had 'just seen the movie' she would have never wanted to dive EVER. Luckily she knew it was inaccurate.
Otherwise, apparently the movie uses the name AIDA and Sebastian without permission.
AIDA is shown as a corrupt organization composed of rich beaurocrats.
Sebastian is not portrayed especially badly in the film, but he is shown as being a part of everything else which is depicted badly.
In the movie, the divers never use lanyards, and at one point, Danai is depicted as sinking down beyond the bottom of the line, beyond the bottom scuba diver, perhaps as much as 20-25m below the line (70m), far out of visibility. Everyone hopes she comes back up and she does, but then blacks out and goes into cardiac arrest; she's airlifted out by helicopter and goes into a coma at the hospital. Later in the movie she suffers a blackout at the bottom at 367 feet (111m), and her trainer (through an underwater communication system), tells the bottom scuba divers NOT TO RESCUE Danai, because she would be disqualified. The scuba divers wait, hoping that Danai will wake up 'down there', and she does, and makes it back up without a blackout, but then suddenly dies a few minutes later. Shortly before, her rival Maggie makes a 300 foot (92m) record attempt and blacks out. In short, there are no successful dives in the movie. All dives result in either blackout or death.
Eric Fattah
BC, Canada