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Freediving for the masses or underground

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Freediving for the masses or underground?

  • As widely popular as football (soccer)

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • Underground to death

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • A bit of both like triathlon

    Votes: 22 43.1%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 6 11.8%

  • Total voters
Interesting question,


Benefits are probably cheaper and more varied equipment, more research and competitions, also easier to find a buddy. Even travel agencies offering freediving holidays at ridiculous costs :p

No silence in the sea. Can you imagine going to a beach and finding nobody on the sand but in the water? :waterwork


Great for the ego, you are doing something special, wild and unusual, generally alone or with a buddy you are breaking boundaries that no others dare. :cool:


Others look at you as wierd and freaky, not understanding why you want to hold your breath for so long, why it's interesting to explore the oceans depths (after all it's only water and some fish) and why you want to risk getting divorced as your wife (or girlfriend) worry themselves to death waiting for that tell tale spout of water in the distance indicating that you have made it back to the surface safely.

But it boils down to the basics: Freediving should be for those who want to do it.

Originally posted by gerard
I'd like to know what's the general opinion in this topic.

BTW, I'm still around. Haven't quit as some suggested in the past ;)

Peace, Gerard.

My guess...
As long as it's fairly unknown in the media it will also be for a few hardcore enthusiasts only. Paul and Tanya seem to do what they can to promote the sport (and a few others as well), but the media (at least here) makes the whole thing look suicidal. Down 150+ meters and then rocket back up again. The other things about freediving catches little media attention.

I think Adrian sums up the pros and cons quite well.
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Underground, definitely - I like the idea of doing something special and different. The only problem is that other people don't understand what it's about and they get worried.


Mobile phones were great back in 1985 when nobody had them. Now that everybody has them, they are a satanic horror and a blight.
You're far too young to talk about things back in '85. That's only for old decrepit guys. After forty years of listening to at least two radios at work, I've learned to love the cell phone. Unlike the radios in the plane, they have an on/off switch.
Since the early '70s, most of the Ham Radio group has had 'car phones' and the novelty still hasn't worn off. I don't think that the women in my life could live without them.
BTW; Kona is starting to look like there may be a lot of diving going on soon. Dive buddy available if you join in.

I dimly remember having a phone of some sort in a car I had for my job in New York City in 1970 - unless I'm mistaken and it was actually a watermelon I had on the back of my motorbike. Something like that.

Bill, you've no idea how much I miss Hawai'i. But you're right - I'm a little too young. Still got to wait a few years for the backwash from all those Social Security taxes I've paid in..... the first check goes straight into a house or condo in the Kona-Kailua area.

Florida ( where I'm DEFINITELY far too young) USA
I pray to God that freediving stays a small sport. I dont want 30 or 40 yahoos in the water when I am trying to dive.

I remember the explosion whitewater kayaking underwent in the mid 90's. In the early 90's it was a lot a fun and a good way to get away from it all, with only the occasional raft or overturned canoe to dodge.

By '97 it was all over though. These days it's slam dancing every weekend on any river with a runnable rapid. Every wave, hole and eddyline is infested with playboaters. Fistfights between kayakers and rafters are a common occurance. Nothing is more disconcerting than working your way down a technical class 4 rapid; and have to change your line at the last minute to avoid some ninny who just peeled out to surf the big hole at the bottom.

But I digress.....
I hope it does not grow too much either, or else I expect servere limitaions by Insurance and goverment like organs :(

The other thing is that the people who freedive now really choose it themselves, and aren't followers of the latest hype. Like it went in respect to scuba diving. In these days you're expected to have scuba dived when you go to blue water region on a hollyday. It's hardly a story on a party anymore, as many think to know what it is.

The other things I begin to dislike about scuba is the endless comparisment of safetythings, educations and equipment. Or how low their use of air is, how many of xx animals they have seen. I think it's in man's nature to compare, and I'm certainly not a saint, but sometimes I think at the table of a divebase: people cant you stop competing, we're on a holliday!? Let your ego rest at work, and just be there!

In the beginning I expected, and found a certain number of 'enlighted' people in the freediving world. And they are certainly still around. But they are still an 'endangerd' specis, I think.

I'm looking forward to the results of the study someone is doing about the caracter of the typical freediver, if I remember it correctly.

So if Underground means smal, I'm in favour of that.

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Even if the sport becomes as popular as futbol (soccer :)), and I have to endure a friendly riot every so often.... And as much as I like the idea of 'doing something unique', I have to support the movement that brought me to the sport in the first place - promote it. It's commonplace to draw a line in the sand where you landed. But someone, somewhere landed before you did, and according to his/her line, you are not welcome.

So I've decided to overcome the urge to draw my own line. Hypocrisy feels dirty.....and it's not good for the soul.

A wise man once said, "Freediving should be for those who want to do it".

I agree with you too, Unirdna.

I guess that I like the Recreational part a more then the competionpart, and I've got the fear that in the future some people just do it for the love of winning. Thankfully that's not a common ground for starters to start :)

Originally posted by Kars
people who freedive now really choose it themselves, and aren't followers of the latest hype.

You make a good point, Kars. I should be clear about what I mean by 'promote'. Truth is, I 'found' the sport. The promotion I speak of is the vast information I found on-line. I did not (as I suspect most others did not) start freediving because of advertisements or the hope of fame and opulence. So I guess what I'm saying is that while it is not our duty to force-feed freediving to the world, we should never exclude those who are interested.


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I think genuine ego hunters will beach themselfves by trying to hard. The drawback will be that they'll cannot stand "loosing" and may try to ridicule the sport.
The other posibility could be that during their freediving career the get stroked by a flash of enlightment, a new insight, and their vision of freediving, and of life, get's changed, get's enlightent :)

Once the latter happens they'll be forthrunners of the sport, supporting newbies in their voyage of discovery enjoying the little things etc.

I consider those ego seekers not lost, they sometimes only need a major defeat, or a victory to see there is not much there behind that curtain of victory. People chear your succes, often not your karakter when you're on the winners platform.

I think it's important that the ego hunters should not make eachother too mad with their laterst PB's etc. They are usually the loudest. The empty can raddlest the most.

Love and Peace,
I don't think it will get too popular because of the physical restrictions.
It's not really a sport you can have quick go at - well, I suppose you can go snorkelling and then get into it slowly from there but it still requires quite alot of dedication that alot of people don't have time for.
I don't think it will ever make it onto the stag party list (ie "Freediving at 9, Quad biking at 10, clay pigeon shooting at 12 and then lets get the beers in...").
Also scuba is something that anyone can do on a nice carib. holiday but you can't drop down to 20m let alone 30m without a bit of training. How many overweight, unfit scuba divers are there ? How about freedivers ?

But if it ever does go mainstream I think alot of companies will pick up on it. Like with snowboarding now....heavily sponsored by the likes of Red Bull and so on.

Or surfing.... every kid here has a Quicksilver T-shirt whether they surf or not - it becomes image rather than the actuality of enjoying the sport. You can adopt a certain image and have the ethos by association rather than by being a practitioner. This is a shame I feel. I don't want to wear Nike fins !
Just an opinion.
Freediving is more of a participatory thing (similar to triathlon), with even less watchability (you would need a bunch of divers to film it...LOL).

But who really cares anyway. It's a great way to see the underwater sights, less of a hassle than SCUBA, and is another fun way to keep fit and stay in the water.......
competition is the least form of freediving. To me its like therapy, i used it to get over my deepest depressions and after that, i started taking my closest friends to freediving trips in the sinai desert at the red sea coast of Egypt. The combination of freediving among corals and diverse fish while listening to the silent voice of the desert at night under the stars changed every single person i took with me to those trips. They not only got out of their depressive moods but also started haveing hopes and dreams for traveling or learning a new language or playing a new sport.

I agree with Kars, my fear of a bigger Mass of freedivers is that it might become regulated for commercial reasons, and it will even be hard for simple people to use a mask and fin to just snorkle or freedive.......as the market grows, more regulation takes place and the more commercial it becomes the real freediver becomes as Kars said....an endangered species......hope this wont happen

I hope I can join you some day to a trip to Egypt Amr!

Like Amr I think that this 'sport' has a mind healing capacity.
It's a pitty that so many don't learn to feel and envision what is right from wrong. Break things just because it wasn't coverd in the regulations. One should learn to master this understanding instead of blindly trusting or following rules. Some basic safety rules for freediving are handy, but overregulation may just provoake breaking the rules including the good ones.

Goverment rules: may be the worst is a policitians fear for almost everything. It's easy to predict he'll place Freediving into the box of things like "base jumping" and ban it. I know for sure I would not obay to that....

Love and Peace,
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I hear lots of wise people on this forum. So far it seems that the 'underground' is the choice of most of us.

I personally discovered the sport - actually I have been doing it alone and with few other friends before I knew that other people are also passionate about free diving.

I think what I would worry about the most is free diving becoming commercial and a cool thing to do. Like for some other people at this forum free diving is for me a mind healing and spiritual activity. Actually I prefer not to call it a sport, but for the lack of a better word I do. I think that if widely promoted and overregulated free diving would loose the free component. It will attract people who would change it into something very different and for me much less magical.
Personally I have the feeling that it will never become the next 'big thing' like snowboarding, for instance.

I think because down there you can't show-off your body, attire, and other external stuff; therefore commercial operators wouldn't be able to sell their goods to the masses.

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