Unfortunately I lost my spear gun in an unfortunate accident with a blue shark :-D (no, I wasnt in the water, just being an idiot... turns out they DO taste like wetsuit soaked in piss) and I don't have money to buy even a cheap one. I work at Sports Authority in Seekonk, in the hunting/fishing/camping/watersports section (go figure, eh?) and we are in the middle of a massive remodel right now, so I'm working as many hours as I possibly can (like 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next couple weeks so I have very little time to dive/fish, although I have some nice new gear I want to try out. I really need a wetsuit, all I have is a shorty suit, which, being the crazy bastard I am is good for 55° water and up, but right now its just a bit chilly out there still. Anyways, I hope to get a bit of time off to fish this week... know of any good spots in the upper bay for stripers lately? I dont care about size, as I usually dont take what i catch with a rod. Oh yeah, gooseberry, I've been on many a trip out there, the underwater arches are awesome and its absolutely LOADED with tautog, as long as you have the cajones to anchor your boat 50 feet from the rocks in the large surf...