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Freediving weights

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Oct 23, 2003
Does anyone know where/how can I get hold of some freediving weights to go on my weightbelt?

Also, probably a pretty dum question but..... How do you know/can you tell when you are properly weighted for constant weight? Last time I dived I was trying out a new suit so was only diving to 8 metres but I was having to fin hard to the bottom so presumably I was too bouyant? If I stopped finning, I came back up - very amusing for everyone watching!

Thanks for any help/advice.

Donna :)
I like to have half head out the water when relaxing in vertical position.

I the fishing gets deeper or I'm just freediving I drop a weight on the kayak.

I know some guys add a removable weight to stay down on shallow fishing, but I just release some air... find easier to get rid of 1l of air, than carry around another Kg.
Originally posted by Donna
Does anyone know where/how can I get hold of some freediving weights to go on my weightbelt?
Hmm, in what way are freediving weights different from normal diving weights? :confused:
Or were you talking about those soft weights - from lead pellets? If so, they are used for scuba just as much around here...
hi Donna,

the ideal neutral buoyancy depth for constant depends a little on what depth you're going for. if you're going for around 30m, then i would recommend being neutral around 12m, sinking from about 20m. if you're diving to 40m+ then perhaps try being neutral around 15m, sinking from about 25m. there is no magic formula really. the best thing to do is try these suggestions to start with, then try a being a little heavier and then try being a little lighter and see what feels best for you.

last summer i was diving so heavy that i would sink from 15m - neutral about 10m. the descent was great, but it was really hard work coming back up - taking about 85-90% of the effort. looking back i was probably too heavy, but it shows that you can get away with a fairly wide range of weighting... especially when using a monofin.
Thanks for your comments guys - all helpful. Will see how I get on at the weekend.

Alun, I am naturally very bouyant anyway - oh I how envy you guys!! I'm just a little fearful of making myself too heavy. Up til now I've been diving in 6.5mm semi dry using 4 kilos of weight and thats felt fine - however, my new suit I'm not sure about yet - using 2 kilos was an effort to get down to 8m (bottom), but I bobbed up very easily :D Maybe I'll try 3 kilos at the weekend and see how it goes - will be aiming for around the 30m mark this weekend.

Michael - I've seen some really small, almost streamlined weights that fit snugly to the hips (well in my case, I'll probably lose them in my hips :D) Think they're either half or 1 kilo per weight.

I've just been using scuba block weights so far, but they're not very comfortable, too big/chunky and they tend to move about as they don't sit snug. Sorry - didn't make it very clear before.

Donna :)
I think I know what weights you're speaking of... more curved and plastic coated... (or hard plastic with some lead inside).
I guess that some scuba stores have them... just a matter of looking...
Regarding weight movment, try a rubber belt, many freedivers like them. I haven't tried one myself.
Using a normal scuba weightbelt and normal scuba weights.
Yep, thats it Michael. Just tried 2 scuba shops locally and they haven't got any, but will keep looking.

I do use a rubber weight belt - thats really comfy, its the weights on it that aren't :D

Donna :)
Interesting thread.

Still haven't invested in proper gear... When it comes to weights, it seems the comfort factor is not to be overlooked. Just wondering, does anyone recommend any particular weights over others?

I saw the DB store has a couple of various weights.

Link to weights on the DB store

What should one look for?
Hi Tommy,

I've looked at those Db weights - I think the 1/2 kilo weights may be ok, but they're still not exactly what I was looking for! I'm diving with the guys that use the weights I'm after at the weekend so I'll ask some questions and post the answers next week.

Enjoy your weekend - the sun is shining here and we are promised a sunny weekend for a change :D

Hi Donna,

A safe formula for weights is to be neutral at least half way down. In the case of difficulty, you only need to get half way back up and you will at least make it to the surface. I have tried using both too much weight and no weight at all. Its tough going down with no weight and easy with too much weight. Because I need to relax in order to equalise, I find it better to carry too much weight and can therefore rest on the way down and therefore get the equalising right. At the bottom I remain comfortable because of the ease of descent and the swim back to the surface can be given more effort. The effort relaxes once positive bouyancy is regained.
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I cant remember how thick you said your new Eilos is, but for my Cressi Supercomp (5mm johns/6.5mm top) I use 4 kilos in fresh water and twice that for salt water. I do vary the weight as some of the others have suggested depending on the depth. I can get away with 3 kilos if I'm diving deeper than 20m, but if I'm in shallow water (less than 10m) I need at least 6 kilos to be close to neutral at the bottom.

All the best this weekend! I can't wait for a chance to come and dive with the Saltfree gang! :cool:

Hi Aaron,

My elios suit is 5mm. I ended up using 3 kilos which seemed to be about right. I seemed to be around neutral at about 12m, however, the first bit of the dive was a bit of an effort.

Weekend was excellent, weather good, viz 15m and diving great. I did a clean PB on Saturday and felt so good about it I tried to better it by a bit too much on Sunday and samba'd!!! My first and I'm sure it won't be my last. Its shaken me a little, but I'll be back to fight those demons in my mind!!

Would be good to see you at saltfree - let us know when you're coming :)

guys!! stop to charge much weight ,
think about it, heavyer your are difficult will be the way back,
if you can go deeper than 20m with 2 kilos , that mean you need training,
perso , i have 5mm thick ( bottom , top) i use 1 kilo .
and it;s better to be light , just in case for samba or black out.
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But I also have that horrible stuff us women hate - body fat!! And it feels like plenty of it :D So I am naturally very bouyant. I don't think I'd be able to get below 10 m without an awful lot of effort if I was only wearing 2 kilos of weight. You must've noticed how bouyant I was on the surface when I samba'd shrimp? (he he, thats a cool name, I like that!!)

If you're at the next training weekend, maybe you and I can test my weight if we get a chance? Oh, and don't forget your gloves :D

Another solution if you don't connect the gun to your float line, is to use a release weight:

After a BO I start to use a 2.5 kg connected to my float line, and hold to my belt by a home made system.
Neutral at 3m, get to 15, drop the weight and just right... really easy to get back; and the time you need to pull the weight up helps you to relax and do a proper breath up. Is actually current practice on the Mediterranean.

I'm not sure if is safe to rely on a low weight for safety. You will need more effort to get down, have little control over your accent, and that doesn't put your face up at the surface or take care of you. Don't take me wrong... is better to be buoyant, but he doesn't work that well in hunting and could give a false feeling of safety.

I've seen people open they buckle and hold they belt (the end thought the bucle... not all the belt!) on they hand: If they black out, they hand should open (note I say should!!!) and they will rocket back to the surface. Is not a bad solution...

But nothing will ever replace a trusty buddy that can dive at the same level, and keep an eye on you. For hunters the best is to use only one gun: lot's of learning, really really safe ...(keep a gun in the boy... in case!).

Don't forget the belt is an consumable item... don't hesitate to drop it (your buddy can help you to get it back with the float line). How many of you have train to drop a belt? :naughty ... just to see how he need to be done and how that feel.

I know where you're comming from. With 4 kilos I'm neutral at around 10m, and still, my surface dive has to be strong otherwise I end up waving my fins in the air like a madman trying to get started! I've tried 3 kilos, but the initial part of the dive was too hard. I also tried 6 kilos (my standard when in shallow water) and it made the surface dive really easy. With 4 kilos for me it's a nice balance, still positive above 10m, and not a struggle to get moving back up from the bottom. That's the problem with thick wetsuits I guess!

I was talking to Sam last fall, and thinking about a trip around last Christmas, but decided to wait. At the time I was planning to try to make it there this spring, but now I can't afford it! Maybe in the late summer or fall...

Originally posted by flyboy748
I cant remember how thick you said your new Eilos is, but for my Cressi Supercomp (5mm johns/6.5mm top) I use 4 kilos in fresh water and twice that for salt water. I do vary the weight as some of the others have suggested depending on the depth. I can get away with 3 kilos if I'm diving deeper than 20m, but if I'm in shallow water (less than 10m) I need at least 6 kilos to be close to neutral at the bottom.

I was at just shy of 6 kg most recently and my wetsuit is 7mm with another 2mm shorty underneath (since it's NOT summer here yet). At 5.2 m depth I was still fairly negative so I'm pretty sure I can drop to 5 or 4 kg.
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Aaron, you're a guy ater my own heart!! Your post made me chuckle so much that people at work think I've gone mad!!! I to have been known to wave my fins around like a madman to get the dive going if I'm too light!

I did a quick check of weight with one of the guys at the weekend - full exhale on the surface and see whether our heads went below - well he sunk up to the top of his head wearing 1 kilo, I sunk to my bottom lip with 3 kilos!!! I think I ate all the pies that morning :D

I guess what I've learnt from this post is that it really just boils down to what you're comfortable with. I certainly don't feel overweighted with 3 kilos and I shot up like a missile on Sunday after the first few kicks from the plate particluarly when I kicked really hard for the surface (my big mistake on that dive!!!).

Lets hope you make it over this year Aaron - our lovely green lake will be at its warmest by then :)

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