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Gopro Hero2 best settings

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Hi All,

I've just taken delivery of my Gopro Hero2, I will be getting the dive housing.

I was wondering if anyone has run any tests to see which gives the best results, particularly whether 960 at 48fps, 1080 at 30fps or even some other setting takes the best underwater images? Also, which is better between wide and normal field of view?


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I was wondering if anyone has run any tests to see which gives the best results, particularly whether 960 at 48fps, 1080 at 30fps or even some other setting takes the best underwater images? Also, which is better between wide and normal field of view?

Hey Paul, I use 1080/30 mostly, but also 960/60. I use the Medium format for 1080, and 'apparently' there is a narrow setting that can be accessed but not in the manual.

I prefer 1080/60 M as the wide option makes fish look tiny! :) but that probably depends on how you plan to use the camera.
This video is 960/60 wide: Lancresse-Chouet swim 25032012.wmv - YouTube
and this is 1080/30 M: [ame=http://youtu.be/CNlt5BsQiHk]Guernsey Spearfishing - May 2012 - Days of Contrast.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

It also depends on what frame rate you want, altho some software allows you to use 'interlacing' to interpolate the frames and generate additional frames which can look super smooth slowed right down...

I think that slower frame rate will give better light into the camera, so in low vis or low light applications i think it is probably better. again some software can improve the contrast. I use Power Director 10. fwiw.
Hi Jonny,

Thanks for your reply. It's pretty tough to see any real difference, thought these seem to have had the resolution down graded for youtube anyway. Decent images either way.

A few more questions if you don't mind: How have you attached the camera to your gun and what have you done about the lense issue - flat lense, the new dive housing, nothing at all or something else? Thanks for the Power Director 10 pointer, I've tried using windows movie maker and it seems pretty poor.

Any other tips?


A few more questions if you don't mind: How have you attached the camera to your gun and what have you done about the lense issue - flat lense, the new dive housing, nothing at all or something else? Thanks for the Power Director 10 pointer, I've tried using windows movie maker and it seems pretty poor.

I just use a piece of flat aluminium screwed into the base of the gun [wood Riffe] and glue a GP mount to that. before that i had glued it onto the top of the gun [HF2], but it affected my aim :(
The current woodie setup is simple and works well; i had bodged a similar arrangement on my alu HF2 before. You can use cheap alu angle bar from B&Q and just fold it doubled flat. cheap and easy.
I use a blurfix lens but only because the new GP option wasnt out. It looks good! and has a lens cap.
looking forward to seeing your videos...
Depending how long you dive for you may want to get the battery backpac, i need it most trips.

I'm still waiting for my new housing, apparently, there's none in the UK right now, not that I can find anyway. I have an order in place and delivery should be towards the end of July. :(

I done a couple of dives with the camera on my head which wasn't good as it isn't very secure. One was in poor, milky vis, so it was difficult to tell how blurry it was, another was in a relatively clear quarry, the above to below the surface clarity difference is very noticeable. Battery life was also insufficient, so I've bought the batter bacpac which has made it much better. :p

I still need to make a gun bracket and am mulling over a few different designs, the difficulty is actually creating the thing in a cost effective manner. I may go for you bracket screwed to the handle approach, it seems the easiest. Could you post a picture of your set-up, please?


Paul, I used alu angle from B&Q, here is a picture of 2 mounts and 1 plate. Nothing clever from me! i am sure other people have com up with far more ingenious ways of doing this...


  • cam mounts.jpg
    cam mounts.jpg
    149 KB · Views: 232

Thanks for the pictures, there's plenty to ponder over. Out of interest, what's the purpose of the clear tubing? Do you find the adhesive on the mounts is strong enough or have you used something additional (maybe araldite) to fasten it on? I like the compass mount, that's a great idea!



I've downloaded the power director - man, that's confusing to use. I can play the video from the library, but once it's in the editing area I can't. I also don't seem to be able to say I want to use the clip between these two points in time. Am I just being a tool?
I use wet-grab to bond the mounts, altho if there is enough surface area then the 3M pads seem pretty strong. The plastic tube is just for attaching my float line - I have a metal clip and it prevents it knocking or making any noise against the gun.
with powerdirector i just drag the clip into the timeline and then play it from there. move the timeline slider to the point you want to work on, make sure you select the clip so it highlights, then perform the action like crop or whatever.
there are some tutorials on youtube, but i expect you'll get it pretty quickly...
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Thanks Jonny,

Appropriate rep duly given...

Edit: seems I've given you too much rep already, I can't give you any more just yet. Sorry
What software are you using to edit the videos? I tried movie maker too, it doesn't do that much.

I also downloaded the GoPro software from the site, but then YouTube wouldn't accept the format.

Thanks :)
Use moviemaker, you have to wait until it "prepares" the clip which can take a long time, something like half an hour.
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