What a dive. I went in just as the sun was setting. I stealthed through the weed and saw a couple of smallish mullet. Then out out out where the water gets deeper. Not yet dark, but a beautiful evening, almost like summer!!!
What was that moving on the sand? A small sole and another and another and another. I have never seen so many, even as I was coming out of the water in waist deep there were 3 within sight! Sadly for my tummy they were all small.
What is that now on the sand? The familiar diamond shape and orangey spots, a plaice .... at last. However he (or she) is too small ( I measured the overhang of the spear on my gun and its about the legal size) During the rest of my dive I saw 10 or so others, but all of the same size (or maybe it was the same one following me around?)
I saw a small ray swimming in mid water and shortly after a larger one which just had to come home with me. I also saw red mullet (and took one)
Then just as my 2 hours was up Lo and behold a lobster walking across the sand, he is cooking as we speak
As I came in I saw the most amazing sight. I came ashore in a little sandy bay and there were fish (aqt least a dozen) jumping clean out of the water in a depthe of about a foot!! Bass, small ones, one hung motionless in front of me then dived down shot up and out of the water.
Brilliant dive, the stars were wonderful and the phosphoresence in the water was way cool.
The best bit is the lobster means the wife lets me go again tomorrow!!
Colin, my advice is get a torch on nights like tonight you have no idea what you are missing.
Happy and contented Andy