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Guernsey 2012

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Water spouts are not unknown over here, seen 2,one off L'ancresse and one off albecq.
Water spouts are not unknown over here, seen 2,one off L'ancresse and one off albecq.
I've been corrected by the man from the met; apparently its called a funnel cloud if it doesn't touch down. If it touches down then its a waterspout if over water, or a tornado if over land...
Was pondering a night dive yesterday when an email from Ed came in, that's that decision made then.

Was immediately obvious that viz was good, indeed it was better than I've seen for a long time, back to the good old day! Be in a lot more often if it was like that more frequently.

Good viz aside we saw nowt for the first 10 mins until I spotted a familiar shape on the sand, I was thinking sole until I got closer and saw it was too frilly for that, oh brill a brill!

After that there was pretty regular action for both of us and we ended up with 4 red mullet, 3 sole, 2 plaice and one brill between us.

On the way in I saw a big squid and fancying a bit of that I shot it. For a few seconds it just sat there, before it went mental, ripping off the spear and coming straight at me, tentacles spread! I managed to grab it but it reached round and grabbed me right back! There was ink everywhere as I shook it off only for it to come at me again. Managed to get the gun in the way this time and it grabbed that instead so I thought sod this and used the shooting line to lash it to the gun shaft. Slowly made my way in, dragging a big cloud of black in behind me.

Lovely night to be in, sorry about the terrible pics! Brill was 2lbs by the way, had a funny mark on it, like it had been stabbed once in the past, but it was fully healed.


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Nice catch Tom, looks like a classic conger bite on the brill to me.
Having looked closer when filleting it just now I reckon you're right Mart. Puncture wound on the top with grazed arcs either side and matching arcs on the underside. It obviously lead a lucky life....until I came along anyway!
Nice catch, specially the Brill.
I see there is another 6 part series starting on Friday, BBC2 8.30, & set in Sark!
hey guys got back a couple of weeks ago, i ordered a 16gb SD card but didnt arrive in time. so i tokk a much smaller one was very dissapointed as it was to small so i only have a couple of very short clips wich was dissapointing. the clips are from a small island called saona island will try to post them later on if i can now find them lol they are not very good and last a matter of seconds

in all it was an amazinging holiday we planed on going on a fishing trip but after upgrading hotel it was $70 a child and $100 for an adult the trip was only for 4 hours so didnt deam it to be woth while but next year i think we diffently will

i did some snorkeling from the shore of the hotel and saw nothing at all , but while i was swimming i saw a fish that looked like a very small longnose but i belive it was called a needle fish , i think this is the main baitfish for predators over there.

while in saona island i saw some fish that looked like small bream unsure of names also a type of pufferfish again unsure of exact name other things i saw were starfish, crabs, clownfish thats about all i can think of for now

cheers guy's
many thanks mac
well done mac, sounds good. post up the clips. do you have a flat lens for your gopro?
SD Cards are very expensive, dont be tempted to buy cheap because they tend to be full of glitches.
will see if i can find them , ive sent you messages jonny dont know if youve got them , no not got a flat lens what the advantage ?