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Guernsey 2014

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Lovely plaice Jonny, was it buried or exposed?

In general maybe but not exclusively. This was September a couple of years ago.

Hi Tom

On average what sort of depths are you dropping to for your scallops?

Thanks K
I think Andy's point is that after a long hot summer & several dozen scuba divers raiding the shallows for the last 9 months - there are not so easy to find at the moment!
Possibly a bit like ormering though, everybody goes in deep but very often forget about the upper beach!
Reactions: Jonny250
I can assure you they are not easy to find at the moment! That was over 3hrs of up and down searching.
Personally I was over the moon with 19 scollies. A couple of blokes at work have had less in scuba diving sessions at this time of year.
Reactions: Rockie
19 is a good haul for this time of year. Most of the scuba stuff is done in the 15-30m range and there are lean pickings at the end of the summer, particularly in the main area of St Martin's Point to Havelet. The good hauls now come from deeper water or outside of that area. Still some reasonable shallow water catches up north.
I get what you mean andy, we could clearly see the marks where scollies have been taken, and also what looked like drag marks where the bag has been towed.
Planning to head out tomorrow for some flatty bashing...
I am going to head off shortly and see what I can frighten. Should be something around over the low water.
On average what sort of depths are you dropping to for your scallops?

As Martin said, 30-40.

Its always about trying to find a little corner that doesn't get hit by scuba boys. They're always boat bound and hit the usual channels, as free divers we can sniff around the edges, in the lee of reefs etc where they get a chance to congregate for a few years unharmed. Though with you boys now sniffing around those areas will be even fewer! Was happier when it was just me!

PS. The above measurement is feet not meters
Reactions: little sarge
Viz not great again today and got out after 1 hour. Saw my first bream which was good but looks like my lucky runs come to an end anyone else get anything today?
Thanks for reply Tom, looks like your kayak is set up good and proper

Just so everyone is aware some poor excuse of a fisherman has set nets around the Port Grat and Knife area and the reefs surrounding it. He did have the decency to pop over in his boat and tell me as I was heading out that way! Let's just say I wasn't exactly very chatty with the bloke. Hopefully not to many fish and birds get caught up in them! Looks like he was leaving them laid too. Keep a eye out everyone and hopefully none of us or anyone else getting in the water have any problems. Really frustrates me.
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Thanks for the warning mate. Ive never come across a net in the water before and hopefully never will. Has anyone had experience of this before?
Far too often. You regularly don't see the net, only the top and bottom ropes. I've had my mask ripped off by one I didn't see until I was in it.
Had an interesting afternoon at L'Eree. Got in the water an hour before low, sat on the sand in a couple of feet of water to kit up, rolled over and went to load my gun when a couple of clonking mullet swam past right in front of me. Spent the next two yours in brilliant viz, too good, 6-10m, and didn't see anything bigger than a minnow, the wildlife made up for it though, some great nudis and a stickleback.

After 2 1/2 hours I was stalking through the bootlace when a pair of bass shot past me, soon followed by a number of mullet and a weird fish. This went on for about 10 minutes, all heading in the same direction at top speed, so no chance to shoot. I hauled myself up a small rock and saw that a couple of kids were in the water by the moorings, running around and splashing, these fish were swimming away from there.

As the tide rose, the kids had gone, so headed back to the moorings and had a swim around. Missed the easiest shot on a pair of nice mullet. After 3 1/2 hours I headed back in, the tide was just lapping the base of the small pier. The beach there is flat and stony so decided to get as shallow as possible before standing up, I ended up in about 18" of water when I came across a mullet feeding, hit it on the gill plate from a couple of feet away, never ever wriggled. Not a big one but better than nothing.

That weird fish that I saw, 3-5lb pollack shaped but stockier and silver grey smooth skin. No idea what it was.
Far too often. You regularly don't see the net, only the top and bottom ropes. I've had my mask ripped off by one I didn't see until I was in it.
Was It easy enough to get out of it? What worries me is getting stuck and not being able to fin to breathe
Yep fishing nets scuppered Kerin and I's plans today, then it was pretty barren after that. The Omer stingrays were pretty awesome, for the same finning I was flying along.....trying to work out now how I managed with the others...all up for the same amount of effort but much greater gains, the calves are a little tender today.
Was swimming along in the tide which was pretty strong in places, saw a load of fish swimming under me and then a shoal of bass appeared, lined up on one and pretty much was sure he was in the fish pie that was getting made later only for it to bolt quicker than the spear (2nd time this has happened now....there quicker than the bloney mullet eh!? , think im going to line up a little ahead next time. Should have probably got on the bottom when it was so fishy but the tide was pretty mental and not much to hold onto.
Did some drops in shallow water, not enough lead on so holding onto kelp stalks, nothing big around at all, not even saw the usual load of rockies, cool swimming around with the little Pollack, looks a bit like Jonny's Pollock pic, except mine were shoals of fish around 60g's and his were 3- 5lb!