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Guernsey 2015

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Hello everyone and Happy New Year. This year Freedive Jersey will be running an AIDA 2 star course in Guernsey. If you would like to join up then please contact me for more details.
Hi Matt, what time of year are you thinking about?
Hey Jonny,

The 2 star is 275 and will be over 2 and a half days. Let me know what you think and if your interested in joining.

Talk soon

Or potentially Matt could be involved with the meet dates? Are you available end of July beginning of August Matt?
Reactions: foxfish
Saw this the other day, far too many for one person, surely there are limits in place?

Well you will always get some who have no concern for others mate.
It seems so obvious to set a limit of 8 per person per tide but that won't happen until there are non left!
We had 13 between 3 of us on the first tide and that was enough to feed 6 people.
I suspect there is a lot of law breaking going on with people collecting out of season and diving!
I was seething I missed the first tides of the year this year due to work and I'm away for the next set
Ilike the idea of a dozen per person (I'm greedy when it comes to dinner) and less tides per year. Or you ban commercial sale for a number of years.i have hade it twice over the years where I have come across large onion sacks of ormers on the 1st tide of the year as I have followed the tide down, a selfish short sighted self defeating practice in my opinion.
Reactions: westcoaster
48, on a 1.8m tide? No chance. Not without illegal assistance.

I said the same on the sea fisheries consultation, bag limit of a most a dozen and ban all sales.

If you find bags again Jon call sea fisheries, or call me and I will.

Didn't go these tides, couldn't be doing with the crowds on the first set.
Yeh will do next time, I was a little short sighted, took great pleasure in gently chucking them (individually) into 3m of water (thought they stood more chance of landing the right way up and escaping than if I left them where they were)
Reactions: Magpie
Washed up on the west coast this morning. sad to see. there were no fish in the net tho. no bobbers or floats either...
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