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Guernsey 2015

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Hi All,

I'm looking to get started spearfishing in Guernsey however I have no kit or clue what I'm doing yet as I've always fished from the shore and boats in the past.

I am a relatively strong swimmer and have done some snorkelling etc but I could really do with some advice on getting started and ideally have some company while I am out as none of my friends have any interest in the sport!

Planning to buy a wetsuit, mask and find to get used to manouvering in the water over the winter before picking up a spear gun in the spring but not sure if this is the right approach.

Any advice would be great!


Hi Ralph, there does not seem to many folk around at the moment1
You will need a 5mm spearfishing suit, custom made is obviously nice and they start around £190.
If you are an average shape then off the pegs suits are also very good.
A 75-90cm single band speargun is ideal from about £60 upwards.......
If you can pay a visit to Jersey they have a fantastic shop & the guys @ http://apnea.co.uk/ will fit you out with everything you need.
In fact this is the very best time of year to catch fish but the forum might not get busy until next spring, so you might want to read previous years reports....
Thanks for the advice - I think a trip to Jersey is in order!!

I'll have a read of the old reports too,


Hi. Another question for you. Are there and birds that are commonly found living on your sea cliffs or in caves near the water? If so, how do they tend to behave when people get near? No reaction? Flight? Making noise? Aggression? I'd be particularly interested in those around Sark, if there's a difference, but any information would be good.
Oyster catchers live all around the Islands and are very noisy when disturbed but there are many other birds like the huge greater black backed gulls or the shags that feed underwater .
OK, that's birds taken care of. No, here's a topic that's probably never come up on this * spearfishing * board before. Do you have any bats in your sea caves? Very small ones where the water could hit the ceiling, I'm sure wouldn't have any. But you do have some large caves in your islands. I was discussing a large, fictional cave with a kind of window for my story, and the subjects of bats came up. I've checked and seen that there are bats in Jersey and Guernsey. There are even bat groups for both islands. I'm willing to approach these groups, but who know if they'd respond? So, when you swim around your islands and come in/near caves, have you seen bats there? And if so, what sort of numbers can they be found in? I'd rather not have to put bats in the cave, but if it would be unrealistic for such a cave not to have bats, I'll handle it.
Any all weather Guernsey spearos going to join 4 of us for a dip tomorrow?? Mart or Andy are you guys up for it?
Well we braved the weather today, water was lovely and warm and we had enough viz on the bottom to find enough scollies for a good feed. Nice to catch up with the guys and abit of exercise too.
scallops wrapped in bacon have just been demolished. (Beats a half way fry up any day Matt) :hungry:
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