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Guernsey 2017

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What an amazing creature, pretty good camera too!
I think there is one in the HOF over 6lb.

Went for a night dive with Tom last night and found a load of Couch's bream. This one was 31cm / 465g and the largest one I saw.

Alot of red mullet around - one of which gave Tom the run around - like a bar of soap, slippery little devil!

The red on the far left was from the night before with K & B.

Lots of little bass around as always.

We saw some interesting fish - Tom took one, so will hopefully post at some point (& maybe a video).

I attached a little marker light to my snorkel - finally they are small and bright enough to try this. I think it worked well and Tom mentioned that he could easily track my progress as I got lost in amongst the reefs! (New-ish spot for me, got very lost).

Also tried out a new torch that Tom brought along - excellent spot, power and run time. Could be a winner.

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As Ed said, having aborted one spot in the carpark we decided to try out somewhere new for him, and new at night for me.

Turned out to be red mullet and couch's central, with a liberal sprinkling of gurnard as a grunty topping. Nothing huge and plenty the same size left unmolested. Only one sole of anything like size but didn't quite tick the box.

Not a great vid as viz wasn't brilliant and my flip-up diffuser flipped right off unnoticed early on so lots of flareout unfortunately, but make of it what you will.

I know most of you guys are fully aware but as we have a couple on new and eager spearos here i just thought it might be worth mentioning that as of the 1st of October commercial and recreational fisherman are now allowed to set nets in our local bays.
I have a net/rope cutter on my belt as a safety precaution as do some of my dive buddies, and if you guys don't it might be worth investing in one. Stay safe.

These must be those special nets that can only catch one bass every 24 hours.
In today for 2 hours over the low and visibility was pretty pants as I suspected.

Ranged from about a metre in the shallows to about 3m when I was diving 6m.

Saw quite a few large mullet, one or two wrasse and a couple of solo bass and then a group of five small bass.

Over the sand with the sun behind you could see an eye and the gill plate but not much else!

Found some interesting areas that are normally in the current but were protected by the reefs on this 1.2m low.

Heading back in the shallows I found a sheltered section where you could see clearly to fish. Stealthed a solitary bass hovering motionless under some bootlace.

No shots taken.

(Max 6m / 1:18 / 28 dives)
Met up with John and Jonny for a scallop dive, as the weather was pretty epic compared to the rubbish we've had recently. My first hour I was struggling to hold my breath and find scallops, the last hour and a bit I was able to spend more time under water and started to find some scallops, then my breath up time got better, and I was relaxed under water. Ended up with 7 and John gave me a few more. Found a nice Cuttlefish at the end of a breath, was tempted to try to knock him out with the anchor, but decided it was best for all involved that I didn't do that....next time i'll have a bit more of a clue what i'm doing/looking for
Saw Andy on his boat, he said hello.
Great company and great dive
Lovely night dive with Edd.
Calm conditions and pretty decent viz, saw a load of different species including some lovely big squid. Stopped for a chat with a friendly fisherman who landed a nice black bream whilst we were nattering away.
Took a nice plaice for dinner tomorrow too
Ed and me also in tonight, bit swelly but a nice dive. Ed had 2 red mullet and a very nice sole. I had a bass, red mullet and couches. Saw some nice rays and a surprising amount of eels for this spot.

Tried out the homemade pole spear (fishing rod butt, cut down spear wedged in the end and some bog standard bungee cord). Seemed to work alright, proved the concept for night diving anyway. Think I'll take the gun normally though, just for when that 20lbs Gilthead comes cruising along...

Vid to follow if there's any decent footage.


  • 2017-10-12 21.14.11.jpg
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Good week for night dives.
Tuesday quick dive with Kerin, Wednesday challenging dive with Edd, last night interesting dive with Tom... Nice to see big squid around.
Saw an interesting bream which had definite yellow banding across the nose but wasn't a Gilthead - shape and face of a black bream. Anyway, should get a camera...
In last night with Tom. Found a sheltered spot for an easy dive - picked up a little lobster to practice grabbing them (too small and didn't have a bag anyway), saw plenty of hand sized sole, watched an eel eating a small tub gurnard - amazing sight but had vanished by the time I got Tom with his camera over.
Saw a dead garfish on the sand being devoured by whelk and crabs - possibly the same one that rammed me the day before.

Tom found a nice John Dory so we watched that for quite a while, pretty poor swimmers but I find them amazing to look at. I think that's only the second time I've seen one. So thin and an amazing telescopic mouth.

Found a sole on the way in.

This sole was 1043g / 45cm long (approx 2lbs 5oz) and the one from the night before was 1272g / 49cm long (approx 2lbs 13oz).

Saw a few red mullet but decided to leave them as I've had a fair few recently.

Good diving and good company this week.
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Yep, 2 dives in 2 days, which is nothing compared to dive a day Portinfer. Didn't take anything home on Friday but was a good dive none the less, with the highlight obvious in the video.

Managed to capture the fish fighting back from Thursday night, a vicious flying assault on Ed's shoulder!

Do people ever take John Dories or are they on the shouldn't take list? They are good eating fish aren't they?
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