It feels like its been a very very loooooooong winter.....Amazing fish Kerin, will be something if that fish gets beaten this year! Been in 4 times so far,
3 of those in the last few days
and its so good to get back in the water, you forget how good diving is for your sanity..., so totally feeling the dive jet lag now though! went in for my first dive a couple of weeks ago, viz was pretty rubbish but good enough to hunt in, only saw two bass, one was just sat in some slimy green weed chilling out, but by the time I turned my gun the fish had shot off, managed 2 hours in the water at 12 degrees and was freezing by the time I saw my 2nd bass, the fish started swimming right to me, all I could see was the fishes head so decided to wait a little rather than going for the kebab shot, anyhow it then shot off!!! lesson learned for another time! Saw some massive mullet, but our freezer is already quite mulletty so left them alone. Every year I see bigger rockies, amazing what size some of them can get to!. Some spiders around but nothing worth taking. Took last Thursday/Friday off so I could get some jobs done on the house, and get in the sea. Went West with Ed (Portinfer) to a spot I hadn't been to, very promising area and saw a 5lb fish as soon as I got in the water, unfortunately saw very little else after that, Ed got a nice bass. Went out Friday, within half an hour managed to miss a fish of around 3lb, continued on and was in thick bootlace at no more than 3 meters when I came to a small clearing, saw a massive tale behind a clump of bootlace - i could then just make out the size of the fish and it was clearly a very large bass - biggest I've seen, started to very slowly lift my gun up but then the fish cruised off....gutted!. was on my way back in and in and at around 2-3 meters found a bass sat right under me, managed to get my gun down to take a shot and got my first bass of 2019, was just over 4lb once gutted. Out again at 5.15am on Saturday, body told me I shouldn't be doing this, head said don't be daft lets dive, came across a lovely shoal of 4 large bass, they were probably slightly out of range for my gun but took a hopeful shot on the largest fish, needless to say i missed, I was then hovering around looms of jap weed when I saw a huge head cruising towards me, one of those moments where making no noise is critical, the fish must have heard something and swam off......I've called the fish the beast as its fricken massive and no idea if this is the same fish as the day before, but I know where it sleeps and I know where it hangs out

3 of those in the last few days
and its so good to get back in the water, you forget how good diving is for your sanity..., so totally feeling the dive jet lag now though! went in for my first dive a couple of weeks ago, viz was pretty rubbish but good enough to hunt in, only saw two bass, one was just sat in some slimy green weed chilling out, but by the time I turned my gun the fish had shot off, managed 2 hours in the water at 12 degrees and was freezing by the time I saw my 2nd bass, the fish started swimming right to me, all I could see was the fishes head so decided to wait a little rather than going for the kebab shot, anyhow it then shot off!!! lesson learned for another time! Saw some massive mullet, but our freezer is already quite mulletty so left them alone. Every year I see bigger rockies, amazing what size some of them can get to!. Some spiders around but nothing worth taking. Took last Thursday/Friday off so I could get some jobs done on the house, and get in the sea. Went West with Ed (Portinfer) to a spot I hadn't been to, very promising area and saw a 5lb fish as soon as I got in the water, unfortunately saw very little else after that, Ed got a nice bass. Went out Friday, within half an hour managed to miss a fish of around 3lb, continued on and was in thick bootlace at no more than 3 meters when I came to a small clearing, saw a massive tale behind a clump of bootlace - i could then just make out the size of the fish and it was clearly a very large bass - biggest I've seen, started to very slowly lift my gun up but then the fish cruised off....gutted!. was on my way back in and in and at around 2-3 meters found a bass sat right under me, managed to get my gun down to take a shot and got my first bass of 2019, was just over 4lb once gutted. Out again at 5.15am on Saturday, body told me I shouldn't be doing this, head said don't be daft lets dive, came across a lovely shoal of 4 large bass, they were probably slightly out of range for my gun but took a hopeful shot on the largest fish, needless to say i missed, I was then hovering around looms of jap weed when I saw a huge head cruising towards me, one of those moments where making no noise is critical, the fish must have heard something and swam off......I've called the fish the beast as its fricken massive and no idea if this is the same fish as the day before, but I know where it sleeps and I know where it hangs out
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